Chapter 21

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Georges pov

I barely slept all night. Every little time I fell asleep for, my nightmares engulfed me at every chance it could. Dream was the one stopping them- I get up and start walking to the living room- Maybe I was to harsh on him- no. He practically took my friends lives. As I arrive at the couch, I decide to look out the window, look at the place where I wish Dream was, close. But as I start to walk away, I hear something start playing on the TV.

"Please report if you see this man." A picture shows on the screen. My heart drops. Is that- "We don't have much information on him currently, besides this slightly blurred photo. We were given the description of green eyes, dirty blonde hair, and just around 6'3. Once he's found, rewards will be given accordingly."

What. No- why do they want him- what did he do- have I been friends with a criminal this whole time-?

"I never wanted to."

What was that supposed to mean? If you work for something, surely it means you support it, right? Unless- I go pale. Unless they took him forcefully-

"George- please let me explain-"

"Why- why would you do this? How did you even know? Where did this all start-"

"George... Please- I was forc-"

"I trusted you."

I should've just fucking listened- my thoughts enter panic mode as I rush to put on shoes and a mask. Why am I so stupid- why am I such an idiot- I should've just listened- I SHOULD'VE LISTENED. As I step outside, the realization hits me, where do I even go? Where do I look? My fist makes contact with my leg as I drop down on to my porch.

Sitting here won't do anything, get anything done, up the chances of me finding the way to solve one of the biggest mistakes I've made. I need to find him, if he gets caught, then it's all my fault. What would they even do with him? Maybe if I let him fucking finish- No. I need to stop being so hard on myself. I had all rights to act that way, I'm sure most others would too if they were in my shoes. He taught me that, it's not my fault, it's theirs.

I rapidly stand up, preparing my eyes to process as much information as they can. Now, what do I know. Looking back I vividly remember looking out the windows into the dark for a second, he was walking down this sidewalk.

My journey starts as I make my way down the empty streets. I remember when the roads were packed full of all different cars with all sorts of people dressing different and having fun. During the holidays, these buildings would always be decorated in bright festive colors, people would share laughs while eating ice cream when warm, or getting a nice hot chocolate in the cold. Even just running around and my mom would chase me and try to catch me. Whenever she did, she would lift me up to above her head and spin in circles as we laughed off any worries. I couldn't have asked for a better mom, ever.

I notice myself wiping a single tear from my cheek, smiling at the good memories this place brings. Okay, enough getting distracted, I need to keep looking.

As my search continues, I find myself becoming more and more worried the second. What if he's already caught? They probably wouldn't have put it on the news if it happened that fast. But if he couldn't get caught by professionals, then how would he by me?

My gaze lowers as I hold my tearful eyes shut. Cold rain starts to pour down on to me. There's no way I can find him. I drop down on the road, coughing. I need to just give up, I need to hope, I need to. Dream, if you can somehow see what I'm thinking, then please come back. I'll keep you safe too and hide your secrets- we can worry about nothing again.

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now