Chapter 15

520 38 15

George's pov

I glance over to the cold food on the table, and chuckle.

"Hah, so much for comfort food." Dream just smiles, picking up the dishes walking away.

"I can just heat it up silly." I giggle at the name, looking out the window. Because of the unknown significant spread, the world doesn't look any better, worse actually. But my world is brighter than ever. Outside may look awful, plain, dead. But then we have Dream, he brings color to this world- to my world.

I snap out of my thought as I hear footsteps. I look up to meet with the adorable smile ahead. "Here," he sets the dish infront of me. "Now it's nice and warm!" I thank him, with a slight chuckle from his excited sounding voice, taking a bit of the rich looking noodles.

"This is so good, how do you even make ramen taste expensive???" He laughs, also starting to eat.

"My mom used to show me how to cook, she was so good at it, much better than me. Also she always wanted me to grow up to cook, cook for my partner. Without that I couldn't even make ramen!" We share a laugh, finishing our food. Once we're done, we walk to our room.

"Do you wanna- play Minecraft?" He jokingly freezes, slowly turning to me before yelling,

"YES! Do you have another pc?"

"I mean I have a laptop, but you can use the pc."

"Nono, I'll use the laptop, you can use your computer." I give him the are you sure look, and he just responds with a nod. Knowing he won't back out, I agree. Also knowing that the laptop works pretty well, it has a mouse too.

I ping Bad on discord, asking if he wants to join as well. "What do you wanna do on it?" I think about his question for a second. Considering he hasn't played in a while, he's probably not that good.

"We could practice pvp before playing a game, cause you haven't played in a while." He grins at me, not making a sound. I giggle at his face, getting the computers set up. Once we're logged in, Dream suggests a server, but didn't know the exact name or ip. I recognized it as

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure this is it- man it's been so long." I start setting up the kits, Dream getting up to see what I was picking. "Ooo, axes? You know better than I thought." My slight pink cheeks smile at him, joining the fight.

"No looking at my screen, okay?" He agrees, setting up his hot bar. And- we're off. Expecting him to be bad, I tell him I'll go easy since he's probably a noob. But once we collide, Dream obliterates me in seconds. "What?! I didn't even get a hit! Are you looking over my shoulder?" He laughs, saying no. I pause. "I- I was just going easy, next time I'll do better."

"Mhm," He chuckles. But fight after fight I keep losing.

"How are you this good?!"

"How are you this bad?" Dream laughs, I roll my eyes. Bad must've joined the empty call as he mentioned that because the first thing he said was, huh.

"We're on pvp legacy. I got on here so Dream could practice before we play something, but he's much better than I thought."

"Oh, come on. I haven't played in a while, I'm not that good." Knowing he's trying to make me look bad, I lash out.

"WHA- ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK BAD?!" Dream then starts doing his wheeze laugh, and I fail to hold back mine.

"Hold on muffins, I'm trying to get on." Once Bad joins, he spectates our match, seeing how good he is. "Wow George, you really do suck!" They laugh, and I think.

"Why don't you try fighting him then?" I smirk.

"Okay, I will. How could you let this muffin head that hasn't played in months beat you just like that?" But the second it starts, he's out faster than me. "WHAT- HOLY MUFFIN HE'S GOOD. One more round!" After multiple others pass, we except defeat. Announcing Dream as the best pvp-er. We keep goofing off, eventually I hear Bad's phone ring for a second and he excuses himself. Me and Dream keep talking about what other stuff we could do while Bad stayed dead silent, unmuted. I didn't think much of it at all, considering we left no space to talk.

After some time passes, conversations end and new ones start again. Bad still not engaging. Soon, we start mentioning storys we had with friends and relatives. I've always liked talking about the good times I've had with the few people I love. I then here the discord leaving call sound, and see in chat that he left, with not a single word from Bad.

Without leaving yet, I dm him to see if he's joining back. I look at Dream, shrugging at the no response. He normally doesn't just leave without saying bye.

"Maybe his internet is acting up," I excuse the mishap. "Happens quite a lot to be fair." After waiting the full 5 minutes alone in call, Discord forces a stop to it. I message Bad again, telling him to let me know when he can get in call once more.

Me and Dream swiftly finish the 3v3 bedwars game. I ask if he wants to do 2v2 now that Bad's having internet problems.

"Eh," He starts to stretch. "Kinda hungry."

"You're always hungry." I fight back.

"Well you're never hungry," he giggles, holding his stomach. "My tum tum hurts." Dream frowns at me, I groan.

"Okay fine pig." He laughs at my comment, starting to walk over to me.

"But I'm hungry for more than just food."

"Then what are you-" I pause, thinking about what he could possibly mean. "W-WHA?" I flusterely studder. His arms flow to infront of him, open wide.

"Kissesssss." Dream then makes a kissing face, I laugh in relief, now knowing that was purposeful.

"Oh my gosh, you're an idiot." I giggle again. "No way!" He practically starts whining, begging for them. "Why do you want kisses so badly."

"I'm lonely!"

"Is me being here not enough?" I jokingly argue.

"Nope!" I make an offended face, trying to get away from him. "Oh George~" I could feel the slight hint of pink on my cheeks. He starts stepping closer.


"George." Dream stands above me, soon jumping on to me over the bed.

"Wha-what are you-" He lowers his gaze, creepily moving it up to meet with my eyes.

"I'm the- tickle monster!" Dream changes his voice to try to sound as cute as possible, I can't help but to smile at it seconds before he started tickling me.

"AH- S-STOPPP- I CAN'T-T BREATHE." I try shoving him away, but fail.

"You're so cute!" He says in the same voice as earlier.

"STOP TRYING TO FARM AW'S AND GET OFF OF ME!" Eventually he stands up, picking me up with him, swinging me around. At this point we're joking around during it and a laughing mess. Though I seem like I don't think so, this is really fun. I'm so glad I met him.

1225 words

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