Chapter 8

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Dreams pov

Driving has always been very relaxing to me, so I felt very calm on the way back to the house. I look over at George, he's just sitting there propping his head up looking out the window. He seems very relaxed as well, I smile, focusing my attention back on the road.

The ride from the place to his house isn't very far, but it's far enough for me to just think, I want to look back. What happened from the start since I got here?

Walking down the streets, got the call, shattered my phone, George let me inside because it was passed 5, we bonded, I gave him some food, helped him through some times, and that's basically it until this point. Oh right, and still have yet to show him my face.

I then start thinking about my conversation with Sapnap, that was funny, he's a good guy. He also asked me straight up how I felt about George, and honestly I just told him I didn't know, because I've only ever liked girls and it takes to much work to think of someone in that way. Also yeah, he probably is straight anyways so there's nothing to worry about.

I eventually pull into the driveway, and George doesn't budge.

"Need me to carry you in Georgie?" He then slightly moves.

"No, idiot." He giggles, and I act sad while getting out of the car. Seeing that he had his mask back on and still hasn't yet, I walk over to his door, open it, and swiftly pick him up bridal style. "Wha- PUT ME DOWN!" I laugh, and set him on his feet. I can tell he thought it was funny, but yet he's just flustered again, and it's fun/funny making him like that.

We get into the house, and look at the time, almost 11AM. I then study George for a second, he seems a lot happier than before, especially with the smile on his face, and good posture. I'd hate to see him go again, but he's good right now so that's all that matters.

George then sits down on the couch and turns on his TV. I ask him if he wants a snack or something, but he politely declines. After grabbing a small bag of chips, and a bottle of water, I go to join him. The news is on.

"Recent reports on the virus have significantly gone down in America, and is now spreading much more here in the UK. Everyone please try to stay more home now, it has gotten more deadly in the past few days."

"Oh man. I hope we can still visit Sapnap. Hey you got here a few days ago, was this your doing?" He laughs at his own joke, then starts paying attention back to the screen.

How has it gotten more deadly here? I mean they probably made it worse- but how. It was already amplified enough, why not spread it in America then? It starts there, why not grow there? And how are the cases lower and less harmful there? It makes no damn sense. Unless- it was me.

That's impossible- I'm immune! I can't spread it, and it's not like George got it either, so it can't be that. What if they're planning something? Did they know I came here? Did they figure out I'm immune somehow and try to hurt any of my friends? What the hell's going on.

George must've noticed my stiffness, since he asks, "Hey are you okay? I'm sure it's not that bad, don't worry." They may be after me, I might have to run. There's no other choice, but I said I wasnt leaving him! And if I do then there's a chance they try to- No. I have to bring him with me, for his life sake. If they know I'm here, then they just might know I'm with a friend. Nothings happening to anyone because of me. "Hello?" I look over to George's direction.

"Oh- um- yeah, yeah. It's just- nothing." He leans more against me, and I smile for a bit.

Eventually the news is finished. To summarize it, it basically just talked about the virus lowering in America, growing here, safety precautions, and the usual reminder of ways to get the little amounts of food. Good thing I could even get some from them.

I ask George again if he wanted a snack, this time he nods. When I asked what he wanted, he said he could go for some toast.

When I get to the kitchen I put the bread in the toaster and get out some fruit, I know he'll want some. While waiting for it to pop up, I start thinking again about the news, and what it said.

There's countless possibilities, it could've even done it on it's own. But that's very unlikely, especially when compared to the many times when the rest of the world thought it was always natural.

The toast pops up, making me focus back on the food, and I put two pieces per plate with the few fresh fruits. As I walk back into the living room, I notice George put YouTube on the TV. I sit down while looking at it, and hand him the small snack.

"Who this?" I curiously ask. It's some guy with a low voice playing Minecraft.

"It's Technoblade, he's pretty funny." He chuckles to himself. "I mean, I've played with him like twice before, but we don't talk. Sometimes he would just call me 'Georgenotfound' and made jokes about it. I got the nickname from sleeping in the one time he needed me." I laugh, and slide closer to George, putting an arm around his shoulders. I then get a funny thought in my head.

"We'd make a great couple y'know." I giggle, and he turns slightly pink while pushing my arm off him. "Oh come on, you know you were comfortable." He then sighs and sits back down beside me, to put my arm back. "There we go."

"Ugh, you're so annoying."

"Oh come on, you love me." I look down at him.

"oH cOmE oN, Oh cOmE oN- that's what you sound like right now." He crosses his arms, and I chuckle.

After that video, we binged much more, all being Minecraft. And not gonna lie, it was kind of getting me back into it. George then yawns, and relaxes his head completely on my shoulder. "I'm tired."

"I know George, I know. Want me to carry you to your room?" I jokingly say. He slightly stretches.

"No, I wanna stay down here a bit longer."

"Okay, anything you want Georgie." He doesn't react to the comment, just drops his head on me again. To tired to think probably. Not even 5 minutes into the next video, I hear George's breathing slow. I look to see that he's fallen asleep on me.

My cheeks go slightly pink while looking at him- why? I don't know, but I'm going to wait a bit to make sure I don't wake him up when I put him to bed.

After around two more videos, I think it's been long enough to move him. I reach over to the remote, and turn off the tv. Carefully, I put my arm under leg, already having the other behind his head, and swiftly pick him up bridal style. He shifts a little bit, but doesn't wake up.

I start walking him to his bedroom, turning off the lights on the way. When I get to the door, I gently open it and walk inside. Once I get to his bed, I slowly set him down on it, then pull the blanket over him. With a smile, I get up and close his door, then walk back. I sit there for a bit, admiring him.

I should probably sleep too. After all, I didn't sleep for even a second last night.

I carefully lay down next to the sleeping boy, and tuck myself in. Eventually drifting off.

I wake up to movement, and a phone ringing. 3AM. "George," I say tiredly. "I think your phone's ringing." He sits up with a groan, and I do as well. Immediately he picks up the call without looking at the caller ID.

George goes pale, and drops his phone.

1399 words

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now