Chapter 27

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Georges pov

And, a stop. Finally. We've been cooked up in this thing for well to long. Especially with having Tommy with us. During the whole ride he either complained about not having internet to play Hypixel, or made assumptions of me and Dream dating. Which are false- by the way.

But having nothing to do for over 20 hours, also got me to know him better.

"So, you were taken into it?" I question.

"Yeah, I was." Tommy takes in a breath. "There's not much to do right now, huh? Mind if I have a little ramble about it? My story, if you will."

I nod, letting him continue. "Well, right before that, life was good. Of course the dumb fuckin- whatever deadly thing, was happening, but that didn't stop me and my absolute best friend from hanging out every single day. I'm sure you remember what I said earlier. When I quoted him with the 'deffo flerting' thing. His name is Tubbo, but I like the nickname Tubso. Well, not really his name, but yeah."

I watch as he starts to look down. "But yeah, Dream was right, we were inseparable. It was a bond like no other." I set one had on his shoulder, Tommy looks back up with a smile. "Besides that small detail, nothing else was really that bad. So no need to feel bad, or pity me."

Just him mentioning a best friend- inseparable bond- immediately made me think back to Sapnap. How we were. How sad I felt when I lost him.

"Do you- want a hug?" I ask calmly, slightly opening my arms. To which he unexpectedly replys with a simple nod, still facing down. I then stand up, holding a hand out for him to follow.

Once he takes it, I give him a big hug. After a few seconds, I can slightly hear and feel small sharp breaths coming from him. He's crying.

"I- I don't know why it's so hard, I'm such a baby, man..." He whispers. Backing out of it, we sit back down, I set my hand back on his shoulder.

"No, you're not. I understand, trust me. It's hard. Hanging out everyday, then that just being gone-" I take a small pause. "It's so hard..." The whisper slips from my mouth, causing my eyes to begin to water. I miss him so much too.

"I mean, there's still a chance I'll see him again, right?" The sentence forces me too look down, my hand meeting with my mouth. A single tear falls down my cheek. If only I could have that hope. "Hey, hey, are you okay?" I sniffle, looking back up at him.

"Yeah, I'm just- so excited for you to see him again. I know you will."

He does have a soft side, he's not always this loud, extroverted, and some happy kid. He has a softer part to his life, something sad. Something to hide, or not let anyone know about. As do all of us.

That wasn't all the happened during the trip though. The first thing Dream did while getting on the train was pulling out some blankets and pillows for us. Also opening a small secret compartment full of tools and different types of technology. Just in case something went wrong.

We only had one stop during the trip, but that was just due to the tracks being weird or something. Dream didn't really say anything about it, he just fixed it and moved on.

Also Tommy had to change into a pair of Dreams clothes, just in case we saw people that knew the uniform. Which I just found funny overall.

Other then that, the only really interesting thing was as I was getting on the train, Dream took Tommy to the side and whispered something to him. But he could've just been talking about his behavior or something, because if so, then it worked. Yet again, that could still just be the boredom, or the nothing left to say taking over him.

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