Chapter 10

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Sapnap's pov

I wish I could tell him, but hes already gone through so much. I don't need to push my problems on him, he doesn't deserve that.


George has- changed. To be fair, it's not exactly his fault, I just wish he didn't let it effect him so much. I wish he was nicer.


My parents are getting worse and worse each day. The virus is a lot stronger than them, stronger than I thought.



"Nick- I'm so sorry- I can't change the date."


"The mark is the mark honey."

I see their smile for the final time.



He really just told me that. Wow. We've been friends for almost our whole lifes and I never thought something that cold could come out of his mouth. He knows that was my only pet, only animal I ever lived. But he doesn't know about my parents.


July? Not to bad. I chuckle. Heck, could be sooner.


I sit in the room, alone. I don't want him to know, but proticals protical.


He actually came- I never thought he was brave enough to. He's made a new friend, that's great, I hope he's happy with him. Happier.


After they leave, I think to myself for a while. He has someone now. If I go then- he can still be happy.

I'll never forget anything he's told me. I'll never forget my parents.
I'll never forget Dream.

I look to my side table on my left. My journal. I decide to read through it, remember the past.


Day 1.
I got kinda bored, so I'm starting this! The idea came from my friend Skeppy- well Zak, but we like calling him that- he has one of his own journals to help with his depression. He's never had much money, so he can't afford a proper therapist, but he's trying.

I smile at the name Skeppy, after all, I was the one that started the nickname.

Day 2.
I'm not planning on writing in this everyday, but I'll try to write the more important stuff. Also I'm definitely not keeping track of days. But I hung out with my friends today on Minecraft like always, so that's cool.

I look through more, skipping some pages, finding more of the big stuff.

Day 56
My parents got it, there's no doubt I am next. I just can't tell George, he's already dealing with to much.

Day 74
George went off on me today, I'll keep that line he said in my head. I know it's not his fault, but it's not like he knew about my family. I've been alone for quite a while now. I don't know if I can take it anymore.

Day ???
That's it, I'm done. I can't handle everything going on right now. The journal helped, but it can't bring back the dead, nor dead personalities. Only if this fucking thing didn't have to happen, we'd be happy, he wouldn't have changed.

Day ???
They just visited me. Not just George, he brought a friend. I joked about them dating, that was fun. Felt like back when we were kids. But being in the cold reality, I know we're not, and it's not going to stop. Wish I could stay with you, George. I really do, but my time is now. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but just know, it's not your fault. Fuck the virus. Fuck the mark. And I'll see you some day without this thing going around,

can't wait.

I put my last entry, then yank the tubes from my arms, letting the blood flow. Can't wait to be with you again mom, and dad. Let's hope we can see George soon.


Day 100.

633 words

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now