Chapter 37

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Georges pov

"I'm tired of you!" My heart drops. That- voice. "Get them! At whatever it ta-" I freeze.

"George-? Come on! What are you waiting for?"

We make eye contact as he stops talking.

"Th-that's- my dad-"

"What do you mean that's-" Dream's cut off as we watch him lower his gun. "Are you sure? Cause we need to go-"

"George-" He begins to talk. "H-how-" Tears start streaming down my face.

"So this is what you FUCKING DO? ALL THOSE YEARS OF LEAVING US- FOR THIS? Y-YOU KILLED YOUR OWN DAUGHTER! MY SISTER-" Barely being able to see through my blurry eyes, I somehow notice his being the same way. "Get away from me!" I start running back to the car.

"George- GEORGE-" I hear Dreams cries from behind me. When I turn, he begins coughing to the ground, coughing- blood-

"DREAM-" I immediately rush back. "Can you get up?" I try lifting him again.

"George-" He starts- crying. I hold him close to me, noticing the lost family member keeping back his people. But when I look back down, he lifts up his pant leg showing- No- No, no, no. It can't be- how- how did- My dad starts running over.

"I said get away from me!" I sob, still holding Dream as close to me as I can. "Look what you fucking did-" I don't think I've ever cried this hard in my life.

"George- it wasn't him-" I glance back to him in confusion. "It was- me."

"Wha- what- why- Why did you-"

"It's the only way-"

"I- I'm so sorry-" I glare at the man I wish I never recognized in the first place.

"You're sorry? Yeah, okay." He tries to set a hand on my shoulder. "Go- away!" I gulp. "You already cause enough damage. Did you kill mom too? Huh?" I sob harder, he looks away with anger in his eyes.

"I would never lay a finger on your mother. She's all I had!"

"You had us! Were my sister and I not good enough? Did you even care about us?" A tears falls down his cheek.

"I-" He looks away, and I pay back attention to Dream.

"W-what can I do? Can I fix it- how do you take it off???"

"You can't. I'm so sorry- I thought I'd never even see you again-" I hug him as tight as I can.

"Are you sure? I can't even-" The man looks at Dreams leg.

"He had it on the highest power-" I hiccup from those words. "George- I know this is hard- But spend these last few moments with him. That's the one thing I wished to do all those years ago." I hug Dream again. "I'll give some space." He backs up back to the entrance. I stare back into my favorite bright green eyes, wishing to stay with them forever.

"So-" Dream begins to cough again. "How was your day?" My eyes fill with tears once more when I hear his voice. But for once, my dad was right. I need to keep this as long as I can.

"Well, our plan worked for a bit, and we made muffins." He giggles. Still having the inability to smile, I continue looking into his eyes.

"Wanna know something kinda cute?" I'm suprised by the random question, but let him go on. "That Tommy said you told him you liked me, and to scared to make a move." I blush.

"H-how- you didn't even talk-"

"He whispered it to me when he ran by." I look over behind me, seeing Tommy still standing in place.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted him." He giggles once more.

"You know, the whole thing we had going on there was so new to me. Even when it was obvious we liked each other, I still was to scared to do anything about it." My jaw slightly drops. "Hah, stupid, right? Kinda regret it now-"

"It's not to late!" Normally, I'd cover my mouth, but I mean it. It's never to late. He chuckles.

"George, will you be my boyfriend?" My heart skips a beat.

"Yes- Yes I will." My grin widens, tears still forming in my eyes. Dream wipes them away.

"I'm so sorry to leave you this soon- Please don't be mad, or sad. Think about the world, and how many people I'm saving doing this." I fail to hold back more cries. "But, I ask of something."


"My birthday is actually really soon, August 12th, so I won't be here to see it. So promise me something," I nod. "My wish is for you to be happy. Make up with him." He gestures to my father.


"I know it's difficult after all of this, but please trust me, maybe you'll even have a better bond than us-"

"That's impossible." Dream smiles, coughing once more.

"Make sure to remember this though, I love you so much. Always have, and always will. You are the best thing to have come into my life. Words can't even describe how I feel about you, George-" Tears continue streaming down my face.

I lean closer, as he does too, and we share our final kiss. It was the softest of them all. But when I lean back, his eyes stay shut.

"No-" I begin crying hard. I didn't even get to say it back- "I love you too." I hold him tight, letting out all of my emotions. Next thing I know, Tommy's next to us, shedding a tear of his own.

"You were one of the best friends I've had." How is this going to ever settle in that he's- gone. We've had so many laughs, he's helped me so many times, we worked together through every obstacle- I've been so used to this big adventure that I don't even know what I could do now. Especially without the one I wished to spend the rest of my life with by my side.

"George-" I look up to him. "I'm- s-so sorry-" My dad begins to cry. "I don't even know what I could do to prove that-" Having known all the causes from his actions, I want to flip once more. But, thinking back to what Dream said, his gift, final wish- I'll do it for him.

"How about coming back to live in the UK?"

1071 words

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now