Chapter 13

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Dreams pov

"You ready to go, George?" I ask him, picking up the keys from off the counter. I see him jolt, then look around, probably to make sure he's got everything.

"Yeah, I think so." George finally responds, I give him a smile.

"Only grabbing the book right? We don't need anything else?" I double check.

"Yup, also you sure you want to drive again?"

"George, you know I like driving, and it takes more off you." He smiles, and I do back. As we head to the car, I remember what I've seen on the news today. The same thing as before, it's growing here, going down in the US. I've seen it with my own eyes. How is this happening. It makes no sense.

I must've look really serious or something, because George asked if I was okay. I waved it off and said that I was, and that he doesn't need to worry about me anyways.

The second we get there, George tells me to stay in the car, because they only called for him to go inside. I nod, watching him walk off with a mask on his face. Now this gives me time to think. Think how.

The second I came here, so did it.
The second I left there, cases went down and were less violent.
I didn't have it, I can't have it, I couldn't have spread it.
If somehow I did spread it, then how wouldn't George have it???

I think about any solution I could find, it was always bigger in the areas I was in- wait. In every area- I was in.

Moved here, it spread with me.
Left there, it slowed.

What if I was some sort of beacon to the virus. Where ever I am, it gets amplified in some way.

At this point, I'm deep in my thoughts, not noticing my surroundings.

How would that work, how's it possible. I don't see any other way it could work. I mean- I was the one that got tested everytime. They even took some of my dna to do tests on. What if I'm connected to it because of that. That means, if they find out- they can track me.

I need to tell George, but how? How am I supposed to explain it? Tell him I worked with the organization that caused his familys and friends deaths? I bang my fist into my leg.

"Are you okay?" I barely notice George outside my window, now opening the car door.

"Oh, yeah. How much did you hear exactly?" I look down, my eyes fall on the journal in his grip.

"Well, I saw you hit yourself," he sits down, putting his hand on mine. "So I know something's up." I smile at him looking out for me.

"It's all okay," I assure him. "Don't worry about it." George then nods, but has a slight frown, I can tell he knows that's not exactly true. The moment he buckles his seat belt, I start driving off.

Okay great, more time to think.

If I somehow was connected, did amplify it, could be tracked because of it- then I need to tell George. I have to, we have to leave. Go anywhere away from here, we'll be on the run. For who knows how long. I'm just gonna tell him, have to eventually so why not now? "Geo-"

I look over and see him slowly starting to open the book. Immidietly, I reach over to shut it. Who knows what he could find in there? I don't know, but it's something he should look at, at home. "Why don't we wait until we get back?" I smile, and he nods, looking out the window once more.

I try thinking of any possible location we can go. What if- George could help? I mean this is the first time I've ever even been to the UK. I don't really know around at all. I probably should've thought this through. How could I be so stupid.

But without my stupidity, I wouldn't be here- wouldn't be with him. Just me not thinking of what could happen, got me here.

But being here, also saved me. To be honest there wasn't anywhere else I could go, anything else I could do. It wasn't dumb coming here, coming here is the thing that let me figure out something huge.

(George's di- jkjk dont' hate me I set myself up 😭)

I look over at George, smiling again. I made the right choice. I wouldn't trade any other way for it. Besides the part with the damn virus.

We get home, and I notice George is still staring out the window, I say his name a couple of times with no response. I reach over to tap him and he jumps, almost dropping the book. Swiftly catching it in my hands, I calmly ask him a question. "Are you alright, George?" George sighs, looking down.

"Yeah it's just- what could be in there? What if it's his last ever note-" He chokes on his words, I see one single tear fall down his face. My eyes widen, and I gently hold his hand in mine.

"George," I hear a small whimper escape his lips, immediately I reach over to give him a hug. "Shh, please don't cry. It's going to be okay. Let's go inside and look after you calm down, alright?" The tone of my voice is very easy, semi quiet. I can't upset him even more than he already is. I don't want him to hurt even more.

After he agrees, we walk inside the house and sit on the couch. I set the book down on the table infront of us, staring at it. "I'm going to get us some snacks okay? What do you want? You should eat before even thinking about that." He shrugs, and I frown. "Come on George, you have to eat. Do you mind what I make?"

"Anything's good, you're actually surprisingly good at making stuff taste good." I smile at his response, and he does back.

"Thank you, George. I'll go make that now, just wait a bit okay?" He smirks, nodding. I walk away, jokingly blowing a small kiss to him as I walked off. Once I get to the kitchen, I decide on just making a small bowl of ramen with seasonings with toast on the side. I hear a voice come from the other room. "What did you say?" I yell back.

"Oh, nothing!" He sounds happier than a second ago, wonder why that is. Well, I'm glad he's feeling better, I hope the journal doesn't contain anything bad, especially- a note. Next thing I know, the room was completely silent, no noise, not a single sound. Maybe he fell asleep? Nah, that was to quick. Finishing the food, I start heading back into the living room, calling his name.

"Hey George, I got some-" I look at his teary eyes in disbelief.

1172 words

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now