Chapter 32

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Bads pov

I let out a big yawn, immediately checking my phone for any discord notifications. My dang habits. I'd always check for Skeppy first thing in the morning. Never mind that- I have things to do today. I need to be on my game, focused.

Once getting up from my bed, I get dressed, walking into the hallway to find Dream already sitting on the couch, with a sleeping Tommy across from him.

"Good morning, Dream!"

"Oh, morning Bad." He replies, pretty quiet. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept very well, and you?"

"One of the best sleeps- I've ever had." I chuckle.

"That's always good to hear." I glance over at the time, seeing it's a bit later than preferred, not good. "Oh- and uh- Dream? You might not want to hear this, but we got to go, like- now." He then stands up.

"Okay, I'm ready anyways. Just need my shoes is all." Going over the list of everything needed, I make sure he's got everything. Mentioning things to help protect from the virus, such as masks, no exposed skin, and gloves. But also reminding him of his phone and such. "Actually, I'm going to need a new pair of gloves, if that's okay."

"No problem!" I quickly grab the needed item, trying to think of anything else.

"Uh, you guys are so loud." I notice a sleepy voice complaining, Tommy's.

"My bad, sorry, Tommy. We're leaving in a minute though, soon." I apologize.

"It's all good, just don't die or whatever, okay?"

"Sure thing!" Okay, now anything else that I can think of- then one last thing pops into my head. "Dream, did you already say goodbye to George, then?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Okay, nice. I should probably say bye too-"

"No, that's okay." I look at him with confusion.

"Okay-? I mean, since he knows we're leaving it's okay, I guess." Once I finish tying my shoes, I quickly put on all the precaution, and one more quick skin check. "Ready, Dream?" He nods, and I start opening the door, grabbing the car keys right beside. "See ya, Tommy!"

"Bye!-boy-halo. Oh my gosh I'm so funny-" I barely heard the last of what he said from the door closing. But, pretty sure I heard it right. We then step into the car, slipping off the masks the moment inside. Once upon putting the key in the ignition, I start up the car.

"So, how far is this store?" Dream looks over, while asking the question.

"Oh, not to far. Just around- maybe- 10 minutes I'd say?" I estimate, probably having the exact time regardless. "There's not really going to be any traffic at all. So, practically no cars." Pft, I remember back when "traffic" was referring to many waves of never ending cars. I'd say it's strange, but I'm used to the changed usage of the noun. Even as little as two cars would be considered it.

"Alright." While still focused on the road, I think just a small bit about the whole visit. It was so nice seeing them all, even Tommy. Been a while since I've even seen a friend in real life.

"I have a question." I start to ask the moment I thought of it. "I know it's random, but I'm curious. Did you even download any apps on your phone so far?"

"No- wait-" He cuts himself off. "Just one. Chess." I chuckle.

"Really-? Just- just chess? Nothing else, chess?" He nods his head and I laugh once more. "How about you play me in chess once this mission is over?" Dream smiles.

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