Chapter 1

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Jake POV

Well basically, when people turn 16, they gain their own Guardian angels who help them, guide them, etc. of course, there are some people who've been rumored to have guardian devils but that's probably fake.

Before you ask, yes you can get into a relationship with your guardian and yes guardians come in all ages and genders. Your Guardian Angel/devil stays with you until you die, although there ARE bad guardians that'll guide you wrongly and kill you on purpose to go back to their own world.

Might I add on, that is the case with my parents, my mum had a bad guardian angel and I don't know what my dad had since he lever let me see it but apparently my mum's angel led her to kill my dad and after she realized what she did, she killed herself. Leaving the angel to go back to his world and me with no parents.

Ever since then I've never really liked angels that much, the only angels I actually don't mind are Jungwon's. Oh yeah and if you're wondering about my opinion on guardian devils? Well, I think they're fake, I haven't seen one and I couldn't care less.

Anyway, to explain Jungwons case, he got 2 guardian's which is really rare, it's happened before to many people and some even get more than 2 guardian's but it rarely happens so we were all surprised. Can I just add that they both have god-like visuals?

.... Ok that was a dry joke I'm so sorry and if you didn't get it be glad. But honestly, I'm not lying, they both look like greek gods.

Now back to me, In my case, I don't have any guardian, I turned 16 almost 2 years ago so you can guess that I've probably given up waiting, I probably don't have one since I'm either cursed or they don't want to give an angel to a kid who'll probably get try get rid of it before it can come within a 10km radius close to me. 

Enough with all the Guardian explaining shit. 

I'm sitting in history class right now, I may be smart and have decent grades but that doesn't excuse me as a kid who enjoys class. Meaning, I'm bored as hell.

To pass the time, I either just look out the window onto the sidewalks and roads or go on my phone behind our massive history textbook. At the moment it's raining and barely anything interesting is going on outside so I'm just browsing through Instagram, occasionally coming across crazy people claiming to either have seen a devil or have one as their Guardian. I don't get why people are obsessed with devils not gonna lie, I just don't find any interest in them- 

"They're real and many people have them as Guardians as well as have seen them strolling around the place, like angels also do." The teacher cut off my thoughts, putting a hand out signaling to give her my phone. I groaned, giving up my phone to receive a poison-like smile and a, "detention after school Mr.Sim." 

I ended up staring out of the window for the rest of that painfully long lesson, knowing I'd get home late after most likely meeting one of Jungwon's Guardians, Jay, in detention.

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