Chapter 4

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m0rk lee when haechan said bible to describe mark.


Jake POV

Weird. That was the best sleep I've ever had. Whatever at least my blanket's finally doing its job for once. Still half asleep, I struggle to get my arms out of the blanket to grab my phone, checking the time I realize it's 9 am.

Hold the fuck up- I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL

All my tiredness immediately disappears as my eyes shoot open, once again struggling to get out of the blanket only for it to tighten around me and pull me into an embrace I didn't notice I was in until now.

I snap my head towards the owner of the embrace I was stuck in, a handsome young guy... I pushed him off the bed.

I heard a loud bang as he hit the floor followed by a few painful groans. I didn't mean to push him that hard honestly but this works too. I mean, it's not every day you wake up in bed next to a stranger- KEYWORD: STRANGER. I know some of you guys would try to say 'haha I'm not single like you I have a partner' well I said ✨STRANGER✨ 

"WHOMST THE FUCK" I screamed, aiming my phone at him like it's a weapon.

He sat up, rubbing his head that hit the floor as well as massaging his wings.



Oh hell no sir. Did someone else's Guardian break into my house to get laid?? They're angels Jfc they're supposed to be inNOCENT OR SOMETHING. Actually, I don't really know if they're supposed to be innocent or not since I've never personally been interested in learning about them but I'll just put aside those thoughts for a moment.

Wow, this angel even has his wings dyed black. Can they even dye their wings? This is my first time seeing it, anyway, he has scarlet-red horns on his head, one of them having been broken. Ok, It's definitely not an angel.

"I won't ask again you handsome tonka truck-looking ass bitch" I threatened, raising my phone higher, he took awhile rubbing his head before standing up, making his way over to me. Don't blame me for my choice of words, I was panicking.

"Don't come closer or-" "or what? you'll give me your fucking number?" he mocked in his attractively deep voice, pointing at my phone, still walking closer, causing me to back up until my back hit the closet door. Before I could open the door and lock myself in the closet for the rest of my life, he swiftly grabbed my wrists, pinning me to the door. "What the-" he shut me up with his breath fanning over my neck, giving me goosebumps all over my body.

His lips ghosted over the skin of my neck before making their way up to my ear, I shut my eyes tight. "You may be the one I'm here to protect, but never will you dare to oppose or push me away again. You don't want this and neither do I. Understand?" he whispered, planting a small peck on my neck before pulling away. I opened my eyes looking down as if the floor was the most interesting thing in the world, clearly intimidated.

"Y-yes" I felt weak under his touch and gaze. I was scared to the point where I was physically shaking. I still didn't know why he was here or who he was though. And neither of us want this?? What does he mean?

"S-so who-" My body then gave up on me as everything turned black and I fell into his arms.

Sunghoon POV

I caught him in my arms, wrapping my wings around the both of us. Sigh, well this is off to a bad start. In my defense, he pushed me off the bed first and now I have a headache. How do I wake him up? Is he dead yet? Nope, if he was dead I'd be able to go back to hell already so I'm guessing he's just unconscious.  

Hold up. If he's dead I get to go back to hell? Meaning: If I get rid of him then I'm free. Of course, I'm not that heartless to just kill him right here right now, and even if I did that, I'd probably get even worse punishment in hell. Whatever, I'll plan his riddance later, right now I need to take care of this situation and the human-puppy.


wEW Sunghoon making bold moves *sips tea* ps sry this chapter wasn't as long

ok but same jake. same. 

altho I'd probably faint the moment I wake up. am I the only one who does that? u rarely ever sleep and if u do, somehow u get disturbed and end up with only 4hrs of sleep but once u get a good non-disturbed sleep then ur out for aGES.

anygaysss have a good day/night <333

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