Chapter 14

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early update??? im bored asf in class so ig y not😳

literally chenle and jake are both bottoms I'm descending.


Jake POV

"He kissed me on the cheek!" I squealed telling Sunghoon this for probably the 98374th time today.

"Don't you think you guys are going a bit too quick?" Sunghoon asked, "what do you mean?" I was confused. "Like you only met just a week ago and now all of a sudden you're dating??"

"I don't see that problem with that??" I genuinely didn't see anything wrong with it. We both liked each other and wanted to get together.

"What I'm implying is I don't want you to get hurt in case something goes wrong." Sunghoon sighed before looking away, "not that I'm worried or anything I was just saying."

I lightly smiled before caressing his fidgeting hands, "I trust Chenle enough to date him even though we only met a week ago so I trust him enough to not hurt me." Sunghoon still didn't look convinced but nonetheless nodded, deciding to trust me instead.

Time skip school Sunghoon POV

Jake and Chenle have literally been glued together all day minus when we have class. I couldn't stand all the lovey-dovey stuff so I ended up hanging out with angry bird Jay. 

Oh yeah, Jay, Heeseung, and I are now on good terms because Sunoo forced us to talk and clear anything that would make us bitch stare the other down.

"Can I be honest?" Jay asked me as we sat together watching Jake and Chenle in their own world. "Yeah," 

"they're moving way too fast, the only thing that's going well is that they haven't shared a kiss. Like as in a kiss-kiss... on the lips." Jay whispered to me earning a snort in return. He's like a child sometimes, it amuses me how this side of Jay differs from my first impression of him.

Getting back on topic I whispered back to him "Yeah that's the ONLY thing but look over there," I pointed to a sulky Jisung sitting next to Niki whilst staring at Jake and- no, just Chenle really.

"What's got him in a mood?" Jay asked, "he likes Chenle, has been liking Chenle for a long time actually." Jay just oof'd irl, "that must suck ass..." 

(Let's skip all the mopey stuff and get to where shit starts happening.)

Time skip a month later

A month into Jake and Chenle being together and so much has changed, Jakey looking dull as fuck, Chenle acting weird and distant and Jisung is happier these days which is probably the only positive. Wait no the other positive is that Sunoo now attends this school.

"Hey, Sunghoon!" A familiar voice called out, I looked behind to find Jisung running to me, "what's up?" once he reached me he put his hands on his knees before holding up a hand telling me to wait while he caught his breath.

"Nothing just saw you walking out so I wanted to join you," he said once he regained oxygen, "You're looking happier these days, meeting someone maybe?" I teased with a smirk on my face causing Jisung to turn the brightest shade of red I have ever seen. 

"M-maybe??" He scratched the back of his head, his answer sounding a little unsure. "I thought you liked Chenle??" I asked surprised and a little proud, maybe he finally moved on?

"Well... I still do like Chenle" he awkwardly laughed before waving me off to join Chenle as we reached the front of the school.

I reached a dull Jake who was leaning on the school fence with his eyes shut waiting for me, "hey pup," I gave him a soft smile, sensing that he was going through a pretty rough time. "Sunghoon..." He opened his eyes as I saw they were glossy, covered in a layer of unshed tears.

I hid my surprised expression before embracing him, drawing circles on his back. "Let it out now, we can talk later if you want," and that's when Jake completely broke down, sobbing into my chest. I let my wings out not caring if my shirt ripped and lifted up Jake like a baby, his legs wrapping around my waist, his hands hooked on my neck, and his face buried in my chest letting out small sobs.

I flew the both of us back to his apartment and set myself on the bed with Jake in my lap. I caressed his head whilst whispering sweet words in his ear hoping to calm him down. Not long after, Jake quieted down and I heard soft snores coming from the puppy that was now asleep. I smiled before laying him down on his bed and wrapping him in the blankets.

Although that did leave me wondering.

Where did it go wrong? What happened for Jake to become like this? Are they still together? Is-
You're the mistake son
No, fuck you, get out of my head. you're not real anymore
Oh, Sunghoon-
Don't say my name, don't fucking talk to me you traitor. Leaving mum for that angel slut after killing your humans.
If only you knew your fears were closer than you think.

Before I could reply I felt a tug on my arm, seeing a sleepy Jake wrapped in blankets, "hoon are you coming to sleep?" I felt a warm feeling in my chest when he said hoon but ignored it and laid next to him, once again cuddling as I folded my wings around us protectively.

"Night hoon." It's literally only 5 pm but ok. However as Jake slept peacefully I lay there with my eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling as my dad- no. He's not my father anymore; as that old bastard's words ran through my head over-and-over.

If only you knew your fears were closer than you think.

What does he mean by that?

I got pulled out of my thoughts as Jake snuggled closer into my chest, putting aside all the problems that kept swirling around, I decided to sleep and worry another day. 

"Goodnight to you too pup."

"He needs to go and make it soon." "Yes sir."


the explanation of what happened to chenle will be next chapter as well as what happened at the end☕👏

literally all my chapters r at least 1k words now wtF. also i start school tmr aGAIN bcz the gov decided for us tgt into a 3day lockdown xx 

also stream gimme gimme 

literally the biggest mood ever

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literally the biggest mood ever.

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