Chapter 7

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hi double update bcz ily and bcz i owe u another chapter for falling asleep


Jake POV

Sunghoon looks so big in my hoodie. I'm small? no. I'm fUN SIZED (*insert chans voice here*)

Anyway, that's the reason we're here right now, he needs bigger clothes and ALOT of clothes because if my predictions are correct he'll be breaking most of them with those wings of his. And for the record, I have nothing against his wings, Honestly, I find them attractive on him but you didn't read that.

"Okay try these on and if they fit then we're getting them" I shoved a large pile of clothes into Sunghoons arms only to receive a loud groan, "Can't I just walk around with no clothes-" "NOPE NO NOT NO WAY NOW GO" I pushed him into the changing rooms.

I'm not having a naked man walk around my apartment, the fuck no.

"I can still hear your thoughts from here pup, tone it down a little." Sunghoon teaed through the stall, "Stop reading my mind penguin." Before I could register what I called him he attacked me again, "Ooh so we're getting on the pet-name stage now?~" I could basically HEAR his smirk through the stall.

"Shut-" He interrupted me as he walked out in a black-white-grey flannel, black hoodie with a white shirt under, and finally, black jeans.

"Shut-" He interrupted me as he walked out in a black-white-grey flannel, black hoodie with a white shirt under, and finally, black jeans

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Boyfriend material look. U-uh what nothing. I snapped out of my trance as I caught Sunghoon smirking at me checking him out, sigh, once again. How does this man have the face muscles to be smirking all day, his cheekbones MUST hurt??

"U-uh, that looks good let's get it" I stuttered, maybe I should just think because I won't stutter in my thoughts... Nah we'll look weird as fuck with just Sunghoon talking and me making intense eye-contact to make sure he's reading my mind.

"Try on the r-rest of the outfits and I'll buy whatever fits whilst looking nice," I suggested, motioning for him to go back in. "Okay, but can I let my horns out? I'm getting a headache," he whined.


I'm going to stutter again if I talk out loud to him with those chic outfits on. "Yes!" He fist-bumped the air before letting his shiny red horns out of his head. I just noticed now that whenever he uses his powers or has his wings/horns out that his eyes turn red and honestly, it's kinda hot- OK MOVING ON.

A few minutes later

After paying for his outfits and making Sunghoon teleport the bags back to my apartment, we soon became hungry and headed to the food court.

"Sunghoon you find a seat and I'll grab our food what do you want?" I asked, "I doubt they have spirits or souls to eat on earth so I'll just get a corndog and an iced coffee" he casually said as if eating spirits and souls was no big deal. wHEW.

I left my bag (school backpack) with Sunghoon before disappearing into the crowd to go order.

Getting lost in the large number of people I found myself getting pushed and shoved with people screaming or talking loudly left and right. It suddenly became really hot as my vision became blurry and my breaths uneven. I gripped my head, my anxiety kicking in as the noise started getting louder, giving me a headache. Before I could make a scene I was pulled into someones large but soft embrace,

"Shh pup it's okay" Sunghoon comforted me, whispering sweet things in my ear as he pulled me closer into him. "I'm here pup, take deep breaths" he rubbed his hand in circles on my back as his other one massaged my nape, successfully calming me down before joining me to take our orders.

"Thanks, I really needed that" I thanked him as I looked down embarrassed. "Don't mention it," Sunghoon shrugged, thankfully getting the message that I don't like others seeing me in a weak state.

After finishing our food, Sunghoon flew the both of us back to my apartment since he can only teleport one thing every 15 minutes. Sadly this meant he had to take his top off to not break it, so right now I'm flush against his bare chest, gripping onto him tight in case he decides to drop me again.

Setting us both on the rooftop we made our way to my apartment to get ready for the soccer match. I can't believe this has all happened on my birthday. 

Kay' Sunghoon I'm taking a shower first and then you can go in

I looked at him making sure he read my thoughts. He nodded signaling that he heard me, I chucked him my phone for him to play on whilst waiting for me to finish. If you're wondering, I haven't bought him a phone yet, maybe tomorrow when we go to grab his uniform.

Sunghoon POV

As Jake was in the shower I was playing games on his phone before getting bored and scrolling through his contacts. 

His contact names concern me.



(MemeLix🗿 - Felix (SKZ) BangMeI'mChan😎- Bangchan (SKZ) Robloxkid69 - some Roblox kid jake bullied and now are online friends with. EJ🥰🥰 - Elementary best friend EJ (I-Land and soon-to-debut belift lab Japanese group))

The bathroom door then clicked open as a bare-topped and wet haired Jake walked out with a towel around his waist. "Wow pup you're pretty built up yourself too," I whistled, pointing at his abs too, I wouldn't have guessed Jake had abs as well. "Oh shut up and get in there." he covered his chest, chucking me a towel and heading into the closet. 

I giggled before making my way into the bathroom. Whilst in the shower many thoughts clouded my mind as I leaned on the glass, relaxing under the hot water.

Sunghoon's thoughts
The voice in his head

Jakey's cute
You're still going to kill him, aren't you? You hate earth and humans. You hate being near angels. You hate Jake. He's just like every other human.
Shut up
He'll forget you in the end.
Shut up!
He'll spread bad rumors about your kind. He'll leave you like your father did.

"Hey, Sunghoon?? Hurry up Okay? We have to leave in half an hour." Jake interrupted, knocking on the door. I sighed in relief, sweat dripping from my forehead. I washed off quickly and got ready to go.


what's sunghoons past?? ☕☕

should I make more jakehoon fluff moments?? 

i unconsciously left my best friend on read for 2 weeks 😭😭i diDNT KNOW THEY MSGD ME AND I DIDNT KNOW I READ IT KSHV plz I'm actually sO dumb

idky i do this. i legit tell my life story to u guys almost every chapter- 

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