Chapter 13

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ps yall i have nothing against chenle he's litERALLY my ult bias of biases <33 🐬🐬 loml htg


Sunghoon POV

Over the week everyone couldn't help but notice the sudden pop-up of Jake and Chenle's relationship. They've become extremely good friends and Jake has shared his 'tOp sEcReT iNfOrmAtiOn' with me of him developing a crush that could possibly turn into something more if 'Chenle keeps acting this cute' -Jake 

Oh yeah, and Jisung talked to me yesterday looking a bit down though, he said Chenle is forming a little crush on Jake as well so I guess Jake won't need any help with confessing whenever he does.

"Do you like Chenle?" I asked Jisung, he looked a bit taken aback before slowly nodding his head. What drama is this? I'm- I swear to god if someone else comes up to me and says they like Jake as well then I'm actually going to have a mental breakdown.

Time skip a week later

So. Life's being dramatic as fuck.

Jisung's going through an emotional crisis and Chenle's planning on confessing to Jake today on the school rooftop. A classic cliche confession but luckily for Chenle, Jake loves cliche and romantic stuff so they're probably gonna come back as boyfriends.

"Don't you feel jealous?" Jay suddenly asked, popping up beside me. "What do you mean?" Why would I feel jealous? "Oh, I thought you liked Jake," he casually answered, "whAT?!" I screeched, even more confused.

"What makes you think I liked Jake?"

"Oh, nothing don't worry just go to class," Jay said walking away, leaving me as confused as ever. Why would he think I would like Jake?? I literally haven't done anything to make anyone think I like Jake because I don't. He's probably been binge-watching his Kdramas where 2 enemies fall in love. Sorry, Jay, the reality is way different from your shows.

As I was walking to class I bumped into an extra hyper Jake, "SUNGHOONIEEEE AAAAAH!" he screamed, almost as loud as Chenle's dolphin screams. I held my ear to protect it before replying, "Yeah? What's up pup?" 

"Shhh okay okay come closer," he motioned for me to lean closer to him so he could whisper in my ear, "Chenle asked me to meet him at the rooftop and he even added a heart at the end!" I could even hear the excitement in his whisper however I honestly didn't hear what he said since I was too focused on the feeling of his lips brushing against my ear and his breath on my neck- KDJCN snap out of it Sunghoon.

He excitedly showed me the note:

'Meet me at the rooftop after school ♡

There's nothing much on the note but I guess Jake's hyped because it's cliche and it's from Chenle.

"Why do you think he invited you there through note?" I asked Jake, playing dumb. "Maybe-"


"Oh shit, we're late," Jake gripped my wrist before dragging me to our next hour of hell. History. Honestly, though the subject itself isn't that bad it's just the teacher we have that'll probably slit our throats if we make noise in class or arrive a millisecond late like we are now.


Was the first word we heard when stepped foot inside the classroom,

Shit, I'll be late to the rooftop.

Jake panic thought before I slid a note across the desk for him:

'I'll cover for you just go meet the possible love of your life'

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