Chapter 17

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hi clowns stream my pace or I'll hit u with this 🥖

also just saying if u haven't listened to nct dreams 119 then ur missing out :tea:


Jake POV

If I'm being honest, I saw Sunghoon's confused look when he realized I was moving on from Chenle way quicker than both of us thought, and, yeah, I'm confused with myself too. I was really attached to my relationship with Chenle that I didn't think I'd ever get over it yet here I am, happy as ever dragging Sunghoon around on his birthday.

Right now we're at a laser tag place with just the 2 of us. Sunghoon team blue and I'm team red.

Sunghoon insists it's his first time playing however he's way too good for it to be his first. The amount of times he's jumped behind me and killed me is uncountable. 

I walked through the dark area, hiding behind walls, peeking through vents, and sneaking up and down ramps trying to find Sunghoon. I felt a warm breath on my neck and before I could react I was killed.

"I win. Again." Sunghoon cockily said with his hand on his hip, pretending to blow the tip of his gun. "There's no way you didn't cheat," I gave him a suspicious glare as I looked him up and down. He gave me a fake laugh in response, "you just suck pup, literally anyone would find you when you're walking around the area looking like the lost puppy you are." He stuck his tongue out playfully.



An alarm rang through the battlefield signaling our 10 minutes were over. I huffed before walking to the equipment room with a laughing Sunghoon following behind.

Sunghoon was ranting about what we should do next while I struggled with the straps of the heavy vest, "How about the Ferris wheel?? No that's too cliche and we aren't together, Oh! Maybe we could go try out the bumper cars next, or do the rock climbing or maybe even roller-skating- WAIT *gasp* ICE SKATING! I've heard humans can skate on ice-" Blah blah blah and he went on ranting.

I noticed his excitement for ice skating was way higher than the other activities so I made a mental note to take him there later.

He stopped ranting once he saw I was STILL struggling with these mcfucking killer straps, istg who made these. He came over and helped me take them off but it's the way that he took them off that caused me to turn a bright shade of pink.

He stood in front of me, his arms snaking around my waist as he unbuckled the straps from behind. His breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. My face was almost buried in his shoulder as he leaned closer to tie the gun back on the vest, pushing his body further into mine.

Once he finished he lifted the vest over my head, allowing me to see the smirk visible on his face. "Tch, I could've done it myself you know." I looked away from him, hiding my colored cheeks. "Sure pup," his smirk grew wider when he saw my flustered state.

I playfully hit his arm before we played other games based on what I heard Sunghoon ranting about.

Let's just say Sunghoon is definitely not a beginner at any of them or he's either just naturally a professional from the get-go. We did roller-skating first and he learnt the basics in like 10mins whilst I've been struggling since birth trying to keep my balance.

"Why're you so good at this though? This can't be your first time or I'm committing arsenal on whatever hell did to make you this good." I whined as I rubbed my thighs trying to comfort the pain from the fall.

"It's because you're a puppy still learning to walk whilst I'm the big bad wolf bARKBARKBARK" he snickered at his own weird saying. I visibly cringed, "I'm concerned for you" I covered my face pretending to not know him as weird looks were being thrown our way because of his barking.

"Aw, pups worried about me~" He teased, pinching my cheeks. Before I could punch him I heard a familiar high pitched screech.

I looked over to find Chenle and Jisung playing the basketball game, giggling every time the other would miss a shot. I know I said I was getting over Chenle quicker than I thought but that doesn't mean I'm over him fully. I'll still always miss his dolphin screeches and the way his eyes form a horizontal line whenever he laughs, or his beautiful singing voice. Although that made me think, we never actually had a lips-to-lips sort of kiss. Maybe that's why we're moving along quicker??

Before Sunghoon could find the reason as to why my expression looked sad whilst watching Chenle and Jisung together I dragged him out. "Let's go to the ice rink now," I stated earning an excited Sunghoon with sparkly eyes. "WHOO!" He screamed running ahead before turning back and giving me an embarrassed look, "aha, where is it?" he asked. I giggled fondly, grabbing his hand and dragging him to a building not far from our previous location.

I saw the awe on his face when we stepped inside and saw the people skating. There were some figure skaters practicing so we had the chance to see some triple axels and jumps performed. I snapped out of the trance as I made my way over to the register to pay, letting Sunghoon gape at the skaters. 

Once paying I called Sunghoon over and we put our skates on, well only Sunghoon did. I had no intention of skating because I simply can't. "You aren't coming?" Sunghoon asked as a faint pout appeared on his lips, as guilty as I felt I also didn't want to get hurt. I shook my head no.

"But who'll teach me the basics?" I forgot I had to somewhat teach him to skate. I sighed, "I-" before I could politely decline a voice interrupted. 

"I could teach you maybe?" Our jaw dropped looking at the handsome man in front of us.


sry i ain't able to upload much, i got city excursions and school shit omp 😭

had skewl photos today and htg last night a giant pimple formed near my lips and it got in the photo so now I'm stuck with a pimple pic for the rest of the year 🗿

hi I love this iconique icon of a human

hi I love this iconique icon of a human

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chenles growing up imcriyignsdkjfv :((

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