Chapter 10

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I need to stop giving weird memes to u guys


Niki POV

"Okay Sunghoon time for your daily dose of being productive now get the fuck out and go for a run," Jake said, pushing Sunghoon off the bed. Sunghoon groaned in pain as he stood up and mouthed to Jake, 'wait til' I get back' but nonetheless walked out. 

"Ok so Niki whilst me, myself, and I treat Jake's baby wounds because he's a pussy-" "excUSE ME?!" "-you explain your life story in FULL detail," Sunoo stated as he came back with the first aid kit for Jake. 

"Ok." I complied.

Flashback 2 months ago

What a fake.

My 7yrs long best friend ditched me for the new bitch who hates my guts because MY best friend hangs out with ME more than he does with HER. Ugh. Hets. Well, it's not my fault they're my best friend???

Anyway, she framed me into being a 'bully' when I literally slapped my best friend in the face for the first time in our 7 year friendship and being the teacher's pet she is, the principal believed it, and now I'm moving schools. 

Now to the present. I've ditched my now ex-best friend, left that hellhole of a school, and am currently on a short walk on this path near the woods. It's almost midnight but I binge watch horror movies on a daily basis so I'll be fine. 

The main reason I'm out here on a late-night walk is that tomorrow is the first day of my new school and I'm nervous asf. I'm- Hold up.

No one POV 

The bushes near Niki started rustling, interrupting his train of thought. 

There's no wind though?

Thought Niki as he turned on his phone flashlight, walking closer to the bush. As he got closer the rustling suddenly stopped and he felt a cold chill run down his spine as if fingers were tracing his back. He spun around, trembling at the feeling.

"H-hello?" he stuttered, eyes frantically searching left-and-right for the cause of his chills.

His breathing got heavy as he heard quick steps leading to him from the woods. He whipped around, shining his light into the woods causing the steps to stop.

His flashlight suddenly flickered before his phone died.

Huh? My phone was on 69% though...   (not me meme-ing in the middle of the book🗿)

Just as the flash turned off a pair of bright red eyes floating were visual, coming from the forest. He stumbled backward trying to get away as the eyes started getting nearer and nearer.

Niki tripped over a rock behind him, shutting his eyes tight as he made contact with the bumpy dirt-filled ground. As he opened his eyes he found a pale-skinned, red-eyed being hovering over him. Before he could process what was happening the 'being' revealed their white fangs and bit into Niki's neck.

Niki struggled against what he now knows as a vampire, trying to push it off of him. Unfortunately for him, he had lost too much blood already. Niki became weaker as he gave up and let the vampire take all his blood. His vision became hazy as he tried to keep his consciousness. 

Before he could pass out he heard the vampire speak, "I'm sorry... I turned against my will again." The vampire sounded somewhat sad? 

"You've lost too much blood already... I know how much you'll hate me after I do this but I can't just let you die, you're still so young... the only way to save you is if I turn you." He heard a faint sigh. "I'm-" And that's when he passed out.

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