Chapter 31

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yall i would never let a jakehoon + sad equation exist. there should literally be no such thing😌✋


Jake POV

It's been a few days since Sunghoon woke up and I'd never thought I would see him looking as lifeless as this.

His skin is constantly pale-white, even paler than his usual tone and he's always spacing out. He never wants to go out anywhere anymore but he'll silently oblige to most of the things I ask him to do.

I've ended up taking care of him like he's sick. Fortunately, he dresses and showers himself but other than that I have to feed him myself because he refuses to eat.

Oh yeah, he really fucked up my shoulders because I still have to wrap a new bandage around them every time I check on them. There's this huge ass scab wrapped around my shoulders because of his sharp nails. I should cut them when I have the chance, not short-short though because I know he cherishes his long nails.

Anyway, to reality now.

I've just exited the shower with a towel around my waist and sat on the bed to disinfect and re-wrap the bandages around my shoulder. I flinched a bit at the cold feeling of the disinfectant but nonetheless continued putting it on.

I heard the door open but ignored it since Sunghoon is the only other person that lives with me and is probably only here to lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling for the rest of the day. Sunghoon losing his wings fucked his mental and physical state up big time.

What I didn't expect was a delicate index finger run its way along the cut on my shoulder gently.

I looked up to find Sunghoon staring at the scabs on my shoulder with a caring/worried expression painting his features. He looked up at me initiating eye contact between us and leaned forward, plating a peck on my forehead before lowly whispering, "Sorry pup." and falling onto the mattress to space out once again.

I widened my eyes, not just because of the kiss but because Sunghoon hasn't spoken or interacted with me much since he went into a slight state of depression(?) or grieving.

This is what I forgot to mention; Sunghoon never talks or comes in contact with me often however when I get myself into trouble or when trouble makes its way to me he's always suddenly there to save me but then he goes back to being distant. Like yesterday for example.


I was walking back from detention since Jay thought it'd be funny to drag me into the principles office with him and dance the choreo to our favorite song Ridin' by the group NCT Dream only for the principal to lecture us for an hour and give us afterschool detention.

I kicked a few rocks on the side of the road out of boredom. The one day I didn't take my phone to school would be when I needed it most. If only I could call Sunghoon and persuade him to teleport me home; he still has his powers but he refuses to use them because it reminds him that he's a wingless devil.

However, I couldn't ask the devil for help because I had left my phone at home, leaving me to walk all the way to the apartment building.

I looked up as I felt a wet drop on the top of my head only to find that it had started raining. Honestly? I don't fancy the rain as it always makes the sky look dull and my surroundings droop from the wetness however today it comforted me?

I unconsciously smiled a bit as I skipped my way down the path, embracing the droplets of rain to massage my skin.

As no one was out on the path I twirled around with my arms spread out, just to bump into a wall... or Sunghoons hard torso-

Hands wrapped around my back, causing me to look up and find Sunghoon with an umbrella and a gentle yet blank expression decorating his face. We stayed in that position whilst staring into one another's eyes for a while until he unwrapped his arms and walked beside me with one arm resting on the top of my shoulder.

He doesn't know about the cut on my shoulder so I silently winced however I cherished the contact between us knowing that he'd switch to his distant self once we enter the apartment.

I walked home with a smile on my face and a caring guardian devil by my side.

End of flashback

A smile tugged at my lips remembering that moment.

I bandaged up my wound, got dressed, and laid next to Sunghoon. We used to cuddle to sleep but ever since he got distant I was the only one that hugged him to sleep. I've been second-guessing if I should still hug him considering he may not like cuddling anymore? People change I guess.

Tonight I felt like giving him the space I assume he wanted so I kept to my side of the bed and tried sleeping however before I ventured into dreamland I felt something press against my back and 2 arms wrap around my waist.

I knew what was happening but I guess I just

and let my eyelids shut; drifting off into a peaceful slumber in Sunghoons warmth that I haven't felt for days

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and let my eyelids shut; drifting off into a peaceful slumber in Sunghoons warmth that I haven't felt for days.



HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT BYE✨😍❤️😘✨😳😻😽😗😚😙💋💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔❤

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