Chapter 23

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when u just wanna makaduzi booza like the nine knees

what in the fucketh. i still love sungchan tho.


Jake POV

It's been a few peaceful weeks ever since Niki's huge birthday party and that hallway incident. I remember when Sunoo confessed to Niki and everyone else that he was Niki's guardian when he was sugar-high on all that chocolate. Not surprised he ended up as Niki's guardian but I'm still shocked that more and more guardian devils are appearing.

To think that only a few months ago I was dead set on the idea that devils don't exist and that I'll never get a guardian.

"Pup where's my shirt? I can't find it anywhere." Sunghoon walked out of the closet (hE CAME OUT-) wearing just his shorts.

I couldn't help but gape at his body even if it wasn't the first time I saw a bare-chested Sunghoon. Especially in the first few weeks of living with him, Sunghoon couldn't help but break every shirt with his large black wings.

"I know I'm hot but I'd appreciate a shirt right now, I needa go out and buy cup ramen- Oh yeah I borrowed some money from the bank so don't worry about me using yours." he waved his hands in front of my line of sight after he got no response.

"Ohhh that's great Sunghoon..." I trailed off, not even knowing what he said. His words suddenly clicked into my head, "WAIT, WHAT?!! Sunghoon how did you- what even."

"I have teleporting powers for a reason??" He shrugged, I shook my head. "Also is that my shirt you're wearing??" He pointed to the large white T-shirt that made its way down my thighs although he couldn't see since I was covered by the blanket.

"Uh. No. and even if it was I bought it anyway so," I denied. Maybe it was his, maybe it wasn't, will I ever tell? Pft no-

"IT IS!!" He declared, lifting me up off the bed with his grip on either side of my torso earning a yelp in return.

I'll let you in on the fact that I'm extremely ticklish, you'd earn a fit of giggles if you even do so much as just poke me. 

So basically, I kicked Sunghoon away.

He landed on the bed and before he could grip his stomach in pain, I fell on top of him, straddling either side of his stomach. My only support being my hands on his chest.

After Sunghoon caught his breath (I may or may not have knocked the air out of him when I landed on him) we realized our position and made eye contact. Both of us didn't move though, we stayed in that position with our bright red cheeks, drowning in the eyes of each other.

I suddenly felt a pull, telling me I need to get closer. Our faces neared each other as we were both still in a trance. He has really pretty eyes might I add. A blood-red colour outlining his dark pupil and his shiny eyes that I could see my reflection in.

Sunghoon POV

You idiot. Stop it, move away. He'll think you're disgusting, desperate, a-

Shut up.

I blocked out the voice as I planted my lips on Jake's soft ones, savouring in the sweet taste his mouth held. I rested my arms on his waist whilst gently wrapped his around my neck. I started moving my lips against his earning a response almost instantly leaving our lips to dance in sync with each other.

I lightly bit his lower lip, silently asking permission for entrance. He complied, opening his mouth enough for me to slip my tongue in. Our tongues fought for dominance although we both knew I'd win in the end, which I did.

I explored his mouth as my hands made their way into his shirt, caressing his bare back.

This caused Jake to flinch and snap out of the trance, realizing what we were doing. He parted his lips from mine and made his way off of my chest.

We both gasped for air before he silently whispered, "Sorry, let's forget this yeah?" I frowned a little at his request. How could I forget my first kiss just like that? And I don't think I'll see Jake the same way anymore.

"Sure... I was about to ask that too," I gave him a fake smile, sitting up on the bed.

"Oh yeah," He started, taking off his (my) shirt and giving it to me, leaving him bare-chested and honestly? I didn't know he was built up like this. Of course not as muscular as me but you'd never guess that small little Jakey would have a built-up physique. 

"There's your shirt, I'mma go freshen up..." I put the shirt on and watched him make his way into the closet to come out not long after with his towel and a set of clothes in his arm.

Once I heard the bathroom door shut I laid down on the bed, closing my eyes to reflect on what the hell just happened.

Told you he'll think you're disgusting. Who would ever like someone like you. You're just a mistake go die already. Why were you even born?

I've always ignored the voice but this time I couldn't even care for what they had to criticize about me.

Plus, Jake never exactly said he didn't like it, to be fair, he didn't say anything about it other than it should be forgotten. Like it never happened.

Although I may see him in a new way now.


um chile so anyways

ok but fr tho give nct dream a comeback or imma go feral mode

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ok but fr tho give nct dream a comeback or imma go feral mode

also imma make a thought book or sth where u can vote for books n recommend books. I might write random oneshots (bxb) there n just share random story n opinion shit

aNYGAYS have a nice day/night <333

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