Chapter 29

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i finished my test early and im writing this chapter in the testing hall and it's quiet asf. ppl are eyeing me weirdly bc I type so loud LOLKSJD -16/03/21 10:19am plz save me. i have an hour to go in this torturous silence

ew what is this a vlog?


Sunghoon POV

Just like every other day I walked into the building that held Jake captive only this time, I'd walk out with the innocent puppy.

I looked down at my phone and set a timer before I walked in the building.


I'd only start the timer once my next move was complete.

"You probably already know who I'm going to visit," I told the receptionist who nodded and took the very same key I've been seeing for weeks, leading us to the very same cage that would soon be empty, as it should be.

The moment the receptionist made their way into room 127 which held Jakey, I immediately pushed them to the ground and strangled them, "sorry," I gave them a sheepish smile as they struggled to move underneath me. "SUNGHOON?!!" Jake panicked as he leant forward on the glass.

The receptionist took my distracted state as a sign to reach into their back pocket and push something which caused a siren to ring and a smirk to appear on my face. Everything going according to plan.

"Nuh-uh," I squeezed my hands tighter around their neck and choked them enough to just pass out, not die. As soon as they were unconscious I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and started the alarm.


"S-SUNGHOON? WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Jake panicked inside his cage as I quickly stole the key and unlocked the locket that was trapping him inside of the glass box.

I dragged him out but not before placing the passed-out receptionist in the glass box. They were nice most of the time so I'll leave the key outside the door for guards to hopefully release them later on.


"Sunghoon what-" "Sorry pup no time to explain now, we're kinda in a rush," I cut off Jake in a rushed but soft tone. Jake kept that confused expression on his face but nonetheless went along with what I was planning.

We peeked through the door to find panicked staff and alerted guards rushing around the place, looking for the cause of the siren.

"You trust me right?" I asked earning a nod in return. I grabbed his hands and sprinted straight through the corridors past all the panicked devils earning a large amount of attention.

"HEY THAT'S THE HUMAN SIR PARK MADE US LOCK UP!!" Someone screamed, notifying the others that the alarm was rung because Jake escaped. "Fuck..." I muttered under my breath, mostly because of my ever-growing hate for my father but also because now that everyone knows who to go after; we'd lose a lot of time.

I was grateful that I had the route to the exit tattooed in my brain from the constant visits I do here because it was easy to outrun the aged staff and guards chasing us. They may know the halls like the back of their hand but they don't have physique to put their knowledge to work.

"Shit Jake watch out for the corner," I warned as I suddenly changed direction, pulling Jake around a tight corner. The reason for my quick decision changing was that a familiar old bastard was standing in front of the building doors, clearly waiting for us.


I rushed us into a nearby elevator and pushed the button to the 5th floor. 

We panted as we tried to catch our breath from all the running, "What's happening?" Jake asked through heavy breaths, his hands on his knees with his head down whilst regaining his oxygen.

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