Chapter 34

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this isnt a debut its their goddamn 5th comeback or some shit. rookies who? not mirae ofc

i trust in spoiler king dongpyo 


Jake POV

I don't know what happened to Sunghoon. One moment he's a blank expressionless whiteboard and the next moment he's kissing me and tHE NEXT moment he's on the floor in pain??

I guess his man period came early- ok no but for real I'm worried for him. He was trying to clutch his back in pain, maybe it's some sort of side effect from losing his wings? 

"JAKEYYY!!" A hyper angry bird screamed for the 344567th time that day. Please pray for my eardrums. I didn't have to look to know that the loud stomps rushing towards me were lead by Jay with the rest of our friend group following behind. Sunoo trying to finish the food he snatched from the restaurant whilst running with everyone else.

I had called them right after I called the ambulance, and thank god I called Heeseung instead of Jay because I could hear his yell in the back and Sunoo choke on whatever he was eating. Of course, followed by the fOrMaL complaints of other people present in the restaurant but fuck them, they're not Park Sunghoon therefore they're irrelevant. I rest my case.

Anyway, the doctor came up not long after I was bombarded with strangling hugs and violent head ruffles to inform us about what's going on with Sunghoon. We crowded around the doctor like pre-schoolers and waited for the good/bad news.

"Is he okay?" "Was he concussed?" "I knew Jake was evil from the start!" "guys SHUT UP!" "Let the man speak oh my god"

"So..." The doctor started, creating a suspenseful atmosphere, "ARGH! Just SAY IT!!" Jay screamed before getting hit on the back of the head by Heeseung.

"I've honestly never seen something like this before but it seems as if... his wings are growing back? If I remember correctly from the last time he was submitted to the hospital, his wings had been ripped out however now... I... I don't even know what happened or how they're growing back but they just are!" The doctor explained. He looked just as lost as us.

"Thank you, sir," We all bowed as the doctor left before staring into space, well, most of us.

"He WHAT?! Lies I know the doctors sketchy and all or has a job as a storyteller or something bUT THIS?? Nuh-uh, no, no way, nada, zero chance I- What if he's telling the truth though?- Nope... but what if he is-" 

"Shut the fuck up Jay I can't concentrate." Jungwon cut off the ranting male, "Concentrate on what?" Niki asked, "he's channeling his inner brain cell power to figure out the situation." Heeseung told the curious younger, "his what-what?" "Don't listen to him Niki he's feeding you lies, no one here has brain cells but me," Sunoo interrupted.

I blocked their chatting out as I drowned myself in my thoughts. Can devils grow their wings back? If so then why was Sunoo shocked about this news too?

However, the main thought running through my mind was the video of Sunghoons wings getting ripped out, replaying itself in my head like a broken record. I clearly saw his wings get ripped out and the 2 large cuts on his back with my own 2 eyes. If he could re-grow his wings out then why didn't he do it before? Or was there something that had to trigger the growth of his wings?

Ah, whatever-WAIT. Does this mean that since his wings are coming back, so will his old self?

I silently danced my way into the room Sunghoon was laid unconscious in, occasionally throwing in some poses to the imaginary beat in my head. I ceased my dancing once I had sat on the chair near the bed Sunghoon lay on.

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