Chapter 30

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-President Zhong Chenle


Jake POV


No it wasn't that he didn't make it through the portal in time and is currently stuck in hell, no. It's a whole lot more complicated than that.

Maybe it was the scream of pain from the devil that alerted me or the way he curled into a ball on the floor with tears streaming down his face.

Or maybe it was the sight of 2 large holes ripped in the back of his blood-covered shirt.


He didn't make it in time.

The moment Sunghoon snapped out of his thoughts I tugged him through, only I was a second too late as the portal had closed before Sunghoon had fully entered. Ripping off his wings.

"SUNGHOON! Can you hear me?! Sunghoon please!" I tried conversing with the devil but he was in too much pain to cooperate so I called Sunoo over using the phone I found in one of Sunghoon's pockets.

"Sunoo! Please, it's Sunghoon. H-he, his wings, they, they're gone. I- Just please hurry!!"

I hung up straight after that small sentence and lifted Sunghoon up to the best of my efforts.

The moment I finally got the injured male onto my back he dug his nails into my shoulders and cried into the back of my neck. I winced as I could just feel his nails poke through my skin but getting Sunghoon to the hospital is my main priority at the moment.

I staggered a bit at his weight but nonetheless walked as fast as I could to the nearest hospital, meeting 2 worried males on the way.

"Jak- SUNGHOON?!! What happened?!" Sunoo and Niki rushed to my side and propped the now passed-out devil in my lap on the floor with his back facing upwards.

"Jake we need to stop the blood, quickly take his shirt off and put pressure on the wounds whilst Niki you call an ambulance," Sunoo ordered. I was so glad Sunoo was experienced in medical treatment as Sunghoons wound hadn't stopped bleeding and my worries were currently at their highest.

We both nodded and followed what we were ordered as speedily as possible.

Niki whipped out his phone and was so panicked that he spoke at double speed and his Korean broken apart. As for Sunoo and I, we swiftly but carefully stripped the unconscious devil of his shirt only for Sunoo to press it onto the wound as I froze at the 2 large cuts in his back shoulder blades.

Tears pricked my eyes seeing Sunghoon in this state. I hung my head low and threaded my fingers through his black locks to hopefully prevent me from breaking out into a crying session.

I hate how he did all this to save me but I couldn't do the same for him.

"Jake you need aid too," Sunoo worriedly pointed at my shoulders that had stained my shirt with blood because of Sunghoons nails. I shook my head, "Sunghoon first and-" "It's here guys!" Niki cut me off as the loud siren of the ambulance filled our ears.

As the workers came closer with a stretcher for Sunghoon to lay on, I gripped tighter onto him preventing the doctors from taking Sunghoon away. Sunoo placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small nod, signaling for me to trust the doctors and let go.

"Sir, would you like to come along? You seem close to the patient and you need treatment too," one of the doctors that weren't hailing Sunghoon into the vehicle asked me.

I nodded and was led into the back of the van, being offered a seat decently close to where Sunghoon was lying. If I'm being honest I didn't care much about my injuries but moreover staying with Sunghoon.

At the hospital - hours later

I had my shoulders disinfected and wrapped up whilst Sunghoon was rushed into an emergency room. I was currently sitting outside waiting for the doctor to inform me of his state.

"JAKE!!" A familiar voice echoed throughout the hallway followed by a series of footsteps. I looked to my right to find the HeeJayWon trio and Sunki running through the corridor only for Heeseung to slip and cause a domino fall effect between the 5 of them.

I giggled as I felt my mood slowly lifting when I saw them all together again. 

"Jake where were you?"

"What happened to you?"

"Is Sunghoon okay? How did this happen?"

"Why did you disappear out of nowhere?"

I was immediately bombarded with questions causing a small snort to leave my mouth at my curious friends.

"Sunghoon's dad killed me and I was sent to hell, Sunghoon helped me escape but his wings got ripped out because we didn't make it out in time." I gave a short but informative summary.

"So you died but then un-died?" Jay looked as if he got told there was a surprise test tomorrow that he hadn't studied for. "Duh," Jungwon sassed earning a glare.

The doctor then came out to give us an update/explanation on Sunghoons condition. "He survived luckily but he may be unconscious for a few days because he lost a lot of blood and an angel/devil losing their wings is a severe occurrence and takes a heavy toll on their mental state so I suggest that when he wakes up you're watching him at all times."

I let out a breath of relief however I also slumped back down into my chair, "Thank you doctor I will."

"Oh also, his wings are permanently gone now."


Grammarly honestly hates me I jus know it

missing jakehoons iland arm wrestle hours: open

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missing jakehoons iland arm wrestle hours: open

also heeseung back tf uP- 2J are my current biases bUT LEE HEESEUNG IS COMING FOR ME

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