Chapter 33

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stream 'bobby - u mad' for good grades since i kNOW you've been procrastinating that assignment of yours 💀bcz me too💀


Jake POV

I felt myself become self-conscious with all the people and noise surrounding me, adults eyes constantly flickering to the only table that held teenagers like us. My palms becoming more clamped and sweaty by the minute as I felt the sound of chatter and classical music fill my ears.

I could feel the start of a headache forming with the way it felt like the temperature had risen in the room. Before my anxiety could fully hit me I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me out of the building.

I let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding in until I felt fresh air brush against my face.

I looked at who helped out of there and shot Sunghoon a smile filled with gratitude. "Thanks, hoonie," I walked over to a nearby bench and slumped onto it, patting the spot beside me signaling for the said male to take a seat.

As I watched Sunghoon walk over and sit down I couldn't help but let my thoughts loose, not caring if he read them.

I miss the old you, when will you come back? How do I get your old self back? I miss the playful Sunghoon that would always pretend to be mad whenever I pushed him off the bed in the morning. I miss the protective Sunghoon that would hug me to sleep and whisper sweet things in my ear whenever times were hard. I miss the cheerful Sunghoon that would do stupid shit just to make me smile. I miss the morning Sunghoon who would always whine at me for 5 minutes of more sleep.

I unconsciously smiled to myself remembering all those moments. The male beside me stayed quiet so I assumed he didn't read my thoughts... should he have?

As much as I want to rant to the taller on how it hurts to see him so lifeless and un-motivated he is, how much more tired I get with each passing day because there's no energetic penguin around to hype me up; I know he would pass it off as just another of my fictional thoughts. As if I didn't care about him, hell, I care about him most knowing that he's the devil I fell in love with.

It hurts.

Sunghoon POV

I heard it. I heard it all. I didn't realize how much I was affecting the older since he always seems so cheerful and bright... A facade?

How does he put on a persona so well so that other people don't worry over him? How does he always mold himself into the missing puzzle piece just so he can complete others?

The stupid devil in me mourns over some black wings that have seemed to persuade me that they're what make me, me. Those wings that have made themselves a priority over others. 

I've been hurting others this much by mourning over some stupid... decoration? The decoration that I think I can't live without because it's apart of what I believe makes me what I am.

Fuck it.

I pulled Jake by the neck and planted my lips on top of his, engaging in a passionate and longingful kiss. He sat frozen in shock for a few moments before closing his eyes and kissing back. I unconsciously smiled into the kiss as I slowly started moving my lips.

Not long after I had initiated the kiss I pulled back out of pain. "ARGH-" I let out a scream of pain as I tried gripping my back, the pain in my back only growing the more I moved.

Jake panicked seeing me in this state, "SUNGHOON?? SUNGHOON?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" he  rushed to my side to try and comfort me however before I could reply everything turned white.

"What the fuck am I dead?" I walked around the white space until Jay's mum jump scared me once again. "No you're not dead, just in a temporary state of mind." she assured me.

"So are you dead?" I curiously asked, I didn't get to know what happened to her once me and Jakey passed through the portal. She let out a hearty laugh before replying, "no I escaped, luckily. Oh and as for your father, satan found out about his evil-doings so don't worry about him. He's gone." I smiled at the news before remembering what my real self is going through.

"Where am I?" 

"Sunghoon before I tell you anything, I need to show you a memory of yours."


Before I could speak my settings had suddenly changed and I found myself back on the street I took a stroll around. The street that helped me save Jakey.

I passed a small shop that caught my attention with all the statues and monuments I could see through the window, especially the shop's motto above the door.

'Growth begins with love'

Looked sketchy to me but sketchy is what I need right now. I hope it's not a love potion shop or something because that'll just be awkward.

Everything suddenly froze as Jay's mum approached me, "Remember this?" she asked. "Of course, this was the day I finally knew how to save Jake from being trapped in hell. And the day I met you of course."

"Tsk, you should pay more attention- wait, oh? seems like we don't have much time since you're already being driven to the ambulance... again." she informed me, "What? why?"

"Don't you remember the immense pain you felt in your back?" She questioned, now that I think about it, it hurt so fucking much. "Yeah, what about it?" I shrugged earning a sigh from the female.

"I only have a few more seconds before I need to break off this but remember the shop quote?"

"Yeah, it was something like growth blah blah blah love or some- GROWTH BEGINS WITH LOVE!! Yeah that." Realization then hit me, growth? Love?

My wings- "time's up, see you Sunghoon! Say hi to Jay for me~" everything then turned black as I passed out.


i cant find the tea emoji but :tea: and also double upload bcz ill be on my city excursion tmr so i wont be able to write (?)

i cant find the tea emoji but :tea: and also double upload bcz ill be on my city excursion tmr so i wont be able to write (?)

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