Chapter 32

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goddamn this book is longer than i imagined it would be


Jake POV

I walked through the school gates leaving a lifeless Sunghoon in the apartment to skip school again, for the said male had found way more interest in the ceiling than education. I agree and disagree with him honestly, school is so shit but I wouldn't pass it to stare at a ceiling 24/7.

I entered the school hallways only to be greeted with the sight of this disgustingly sweet couple clinging onto each other. "Could you two pLEASE get a room?!" I scoffed, walking away from the pair. Just Chenle and Jisung being the lovey-dovey duo they are. Of course I still have that lingering jealousy and longing for my first love stuck in me but it's not as strong as when we were still together. Plus, I think I've caught feelings on someone else now.

"YO JAKE!!" The angry-bird-like male screamed, his voice echoing through the halls. I should've expected this.

Jay and Jungwon walked up to me whilst Heeseung was busy apologizing to everyone who had to witness Jay's loud ass voice.

"How's Sunghoon?" Jungwon asked me, "still the same walking skeleton he is- no wait he doesn't even move." I sighed.

"How are we sure he's not dead?" Jay casually asked the dumbest question I've heard this week but it's Jay so quick guys act surprised! :o

We all gave Jay a blank stare, "I can't believe I used to think Heeseung was the dumbest," Jungwon deadpanned. "HEY! I'm smart!" Heeseung joined us after he had bowed 100x times to all the nearby students.

"Not really but you beat Jay in the brain cell department," Niki joined us. "You-" 

"Oh yeah, after school my parents have this formal meeting in a restaurant and I have to come because they don't trust me being home alone. I don't wanna be stuck with nerdy boomers so you guys wanna come along? Don't worry you'll be paid for." Jungwon cut Heeseung off.

"I'll come" "me too" "I mean, free food." Were the main phrases said.

"Count me in but I'll drag Sunghoon along too." Somehow.

"If he even leaves your apartment I'll be surprised," Sunoo sighed. I am in no way obliged to tell them about the time Sunghoon protected me from the rain.


"Anyway, see you guys tonight and make sure you wear formal-restaurant-worthy suits or my parents will kill me." Jungwon reminded.

Time skip Sunghoons POV

I really lost all motivation to move or just do anything in general. The only reason I currently do anything at all is because of the cute human I'm supposed to be guarding. Turns out it's the other way around now.

"Come on Sunghoonnnn," he whined, trying to pull me off the bed. "Just this once? I won't ask you to go out any other time just, please? Everyone else will be there?" I gently freed myself from his grasp and curled myself into the bedsheets, facing away from him.

"No..." I silently growled, bringing the blanket over my face. I. Don't. Want. To. Move.

"C'mon, I'll do anything you want?" he pleaded. I shook my head.

I heard a small huff and the dip on the end of the bed lift up, I curiously faced the smaller to find him sitting at his desk typing away on his phone. Most likely telling the others I didn't want to come. What caught my attention was the visible pout on his lips that complimented the sad expression on his face.

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