Chapter 8

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btw for all of youz who want to request books n stuff my dms are open don't be shy🥰🥰 i don't bite xx ps I don't do y/n stuff- only rly ships

unless ur a bug then I bite 🔫


Sunghoon POV

"We're late now Mr. I need 20mins to shower" Jake complained about how I took a long time in the shower, making us late for the game. "It's not my fault you used so fucking much hot water." Well, that was a lie, it was this annoying voice in my head making us late plus there was plenty of hot water. Whatever.

The players were warming up on the field, stretching and doing drills as me and Jake quickly looked for Jungwon and everyone else in the bleachers.

"Oh? Sunghoon?" A familiar boy called my name, I turned to look at him and my eyes widened, "U-uh, pu-Jakey you can go ahead I'll be there soon," I stuttered. He looked confused but went ahead anyway, making his way over to the other side of the stadium by walking on the field.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? Don't you hate earth? Humans?" the devil asked, "I think the real question is what are YOU doing here Sunoo? I doubt you've committed any crimes to be here." I put my hands on my hips playfully glaring at him.

A little backstory here, Sunoo is my cousin, the only family I know I have so far. Sunoo is also a devil but he's the brightest devil you'll ever see- or not. Sometimes I wonder if he's actually an angel.

"Ah yeah, that reminds me, I volunteered to become a guardian-" Sunoo started, "WHAT?! Why in the fu-uh-fudge cake would you do that??" Which devil in the right mind would want to become a guardian for a human? Oh right, Kim Sunoo.

"Ah you know, hell is boring and also I'm not gonna actually meet my human until next month because right now they're still 15 so I'm exploring earth" He beamed, "Of course KIM SUNOO would be the only devil to find hell boring." I rolled my eyes, if I was him I'd stay in hell. "Anyway, who's your-" before Sunoo could finish his question I'd already teleported.

Jake POV

Sunghoon told me to go ahead to find Jungwon and the rest whilst he talked to some random handsome dude. Considering I couldn't find my friends on this side of the stadium, I ended up going right through the field since walking around the entire place would waste more time and the players are practicing so I'll have no problem getting there without disturbing anyone.

However as I walked through, the players started practicing kicking the balls and I happened to be in the right spot at the right time when one of the players missed the shot and the ball headed right for me. It was too fast for me to dodge so my instant reflex was to shut my eyes tight and cover my face.

A few seconds had passed and the ball still hadn't come in contact with my body. I found myself in a familiar warm embrace with black wings wrapped around me, realizing that Sunghoon had saved me from danger once again.

Thanks again skinesha

"The fuck is that?" Sunghoon whispered to me, still not letting go. "It's a- you know what, nevermind." Let's ignore what I called him, "C'mon pup, jump up, I'mma carry you because you'll probably embarrass yourself again." Sunghoon suggested- more like stated, I doubt I have a choice but I'm Jake Shim like hell I'd go down without a fight.

"There's no way I'm letting you- wSASDV" I started protesting only to get lifted up,


"Calm down there pup" Sunghoon smirked as I buried my face in his chest with his wings still wrapped around me and his hands around my waist.

"I hate you" I mumbled quiet enough for just Sunghoon to hear as we found our friend group and made our way there. "Feeling's mutual," Sunghoon replied as he placed me on the vacant seat next to Niki. Him sitting next to me and that random handsome dude on the other side of Sunghoon.


mk sry this is kinda short but I got school in 7hrs and I need sleep skksj also yeYYYY finally we got Sunoo in hereee

have a good day/night <33

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