Chapter 26

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stream wayv kick back for clear skin and if u already have clear skin then stream wayv kick back.


Sunghoon POV

Following what my 'father' said; the next day, I made my way into the prison to hopefully find Jake.

"Cage 127 and you have 20 minutes to communicate before you must leave." The receptionist informed me before leading me to the room holding Jake.

Cage?? Why is Jakey in a cage? He's far from a threat I don't think they needed to lock him up. Actually, I don't think they're allowed to lock him up, he only committed suicide, not an overly dangerous crime. 

"Your 20 minutes starts now," they said, stopping in front of a glass cage with a familiar puppy locked inside. My heart broke a little when I saw Jake curled up on the hard floor in a ball trying to rest.

"Pup... hey look at me," I rested my hand on the glass as Jake faced me, sitting up and putting his hand over mine through the glass screen between us.

He gave me puppy eyes, "why're you here hoonie? I thought you were happy being back here in hell..." he trailed off, a sad expression on his face that I didn't fail to notice.

"Why would I be happy with you locked up like this? Especially after you committed suicide for a stupid reason we could've talked about." I started to get a little pissed remembering what my 'father' said Jake's suicide reason was. Who the hell kills themselves over a fucking kiss.

"What??" He looked up, genuinely confused but I wasn't buying his acting. "You know fucking well what I'm talking about!!" I punched the glass causing Jake to flinch and slowly back away before a frown settled on his face. 

"How the hell am I supposed to know what you're talking about when you won't tell me?" He softly but sternly asked with a little sass tone in his voice. "You and your stupid way of thinking thought to kill yourself for a reason as dumb as a kiss?! Even my father knew-" 

"YOUR FATHER DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!!" Jake finally snapped, "HE'S THE REASON WHY I'M HERE!" My eyes widened in shock.

I could almost see the flames radiating off of Jake with how irritated he was at the moment. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down but that didn't erase the cross expression on his face, "Your so-called fucking dad murdered me and passed me in as a victim of suicide so don't fucking tell me that MY WAY of thinking is stupid when he's killed me for a goddamn mission he was supposed to do years ago!"

By now Jake was glaring daggers at me with his hands balled into fists of fury, I just stood back in shock. "He... killed you...?" everything started to make sense to me.

That same day Jake disappeared going out for a walk I didn't get annoyed by the voices at all which is strange because every time I'm left alone for long it usually tries to make me lose my mind. However, I didn't hear any voice and that day happened to be the same day I met my father again. Plus, why would my father have been concerned whether Jake died or not and telling me the reason for his death when I clearly could've asked Jake myself. I'm such an idiot.

"You have no idea..." Jake sat down and leaned his back against the hard wall, his head hanging down.

Jake POV

Imagine losing your family's lives to the man you're attracted to's father. It hurts even more when that man believes the one who's at fault over you. It hurts.

"Sorry pup... I really did believe him under all the stress and grief I was undergoing, I know that's no excuse but still, I'm really sorry" he begged.

I ignored his begging since I still felt a bit salty, "What was the reason your dad told you about me suiciding?" I remember Sunghoon screaming about something like a kill or a kiss being the reason I 'suicided.'

"Ehem... uh- our kiss," his face turned a concerning shade of red before morphing into a confused one, "how does he know we kissed anyway?"


"That must suck," I gave him a small but genuine smile. "I lost my first kiss to my guardian," I scratched my neck shyly.

"Ah, Guardians..." his bright smile faltered for a slight second, "how did you manage to lose your first kiss to your angel?"

"Oh, a-actually... he's a devil, and uhh I guess it just happened?? Well, I fell on him, and then bam. Kiss." I exaggerated the 'bam' part using by creating imaginary sparkles with my fingers.

He looked surprised, "A devil?? And it's a he? Wow, it's rare to find a devil. Especially a gay one." He gave a bitter smile and emphasized the word gay. I was a bit taken aback at his choice of words and pronunciation but nonetheless kept my polite attitude on. "Yeah, I was surprised too."

"Sounds a lot like my son, Park Sunghoon."

End of flashback

"I don't know," I can't believe the stranger I had a normal conversation with would end up being my handsome guardian's evil dad and murder me.

"Pup I know you're ignoring my apologies but I really am sorry..." I could tell he was genuinely sorry but I decided to tease him, "Maybe if you kissed me like before then I'll forgive you but sadly I'm stuck in this cage so I guess I'll never forgive you." I faked a sad look, not noticing Sunghoons determined-blushing expression.

"I'll make you forgive me Jakey, and get us both back to earth, you just watch me." 

"Wait are you gonna go back to earth too?" I thought he was happy here in hell unless his stupid dad lied again.

"Of course, It's so boring here now that I've actually properly experienced earth, plus eating spirits and souls can't even compare to your ramen." For the first time today, I pulled off a genuine smile.

"your 20 minutes are up sir please leave now," the receptionist interrupted, ruining our conversation.

"See ya soon pup," If only I knew the hidden meaning behind his short farewell.


listen to 'WayV's - action figure' from their new album. tRUST ME when I say u won't regret its literally such a bop wtf.

 tRUST ME when I say u won't regret its literally such a bop wtf

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lets just pray that this'll happen

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