Chapter 25

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST BOY YOONGIIII LIL MEOW MEOW 😍❤️😘✨😳😻😽😗😚😙💋💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔❤💋💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣❤💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔❤


Jake POV

"Sounds just like my son, Park Sunghoon."

I choked on my saliva as I shot the man a shocked look. As soon as I got over my choking session I stood up and bowed in front of him multiple times.

"I'm so sorry Mr Park your son initiated the kiss not me, please don't kill me." I'm such a good friend.

He gave me one of his pearly-white smiles as he firmly planted his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from bowing. "Don't worry about it," his grip tightened on my shoulder as he stood up.

"He's always been nothing but a nuisance to me ever since he was born," his smile became impossible brighter, "and his slut of a mother too." His grip on my shoulder was starting to hurt the longer he talked about his family whilst that evil smile decorated his face.

His eyes turned red as black wings emerged from his back and scarlet red horns from his head although unlike Sunghoon's horns, his wasn't broken in any way.

"I don't think I properly addressed your family either have I?" His hand travelled to my neck, gripping it lightly. I averted my eyes in fear before replying, "N-no Mr Park..."

"Well let's just say I'm the reason you have no family," He kept that bright smile on his face, his grip around my neck tightening. "You see, I was given a mission not just by satan but by a man that your father was in debt of." My feet left the ground as he lifted me up higher and his hold around my neck getting tighter the higher up I went.

"I guess you could say, I just needed to rid of the shim family and what's even better is that I was your father's guardian." My eyes widened in realization.

My dad never showed me his guardian for a reason... and the family picture in my room which was ripped on the side!

"As for that angel? Your mother's guardian? Well, he was easy to control, a few mental threats that I'd kill his son and he was sold. What was his son's name again?? Oh! Was it perhaps... Park Jay?" He sent a provoking smirk, knowing how that triggered me.

"J-jay...?!" I choked out, kicking him in the chest causing him to drop me as he fell backward. I violently coughed, gasping for air, he walked closer and crouched down to me.

"Did that piss you off? Did it make you angry?" He eagerly asked with a teasing smirk, kicking me in the stomach.

I coughed out, Blood??

"Y-you bas-stard!" I struggled to scream at him, clutching my stomach in pain. I opened my eyes to find a familiar figure sprinting along the path, "hoonie..." I whispered, losing strength.

"People may see us and we don't need that happening, let's move shall we?" he harshly pulled me up by my arm and teleported us to some sort of empty garage. He threw me on the stone-hard floor "what do you think of your useless guardian now? Can't even do his job right."

Honestly, it's the worst time to be thinking about this but I have a whole list of what I think of Sunghoon.


I think Park Sunghoon is:
- Way too handsome to exist
- Flirty, the smirk literally never leaves his face
- D u m b.
- Really caring I mean if you remember the time he-

"SPEAK!" He kicked me in the side of my torso causing me to cough out more blood, "and make sure it's an answer I'll enjoy." I glared at him, sitting myself up against the wall whilst keeping a grip around my aching stomach.

I'm not giving this old ass what he wants, "Park Sunghoon is the best person I've ever met, he's caring, attractive, nice- heck he's the whole goddamn package, and you as his father should be ashamed to even have that negative perspective on him. You aren't even worthy to be labeled as a father, your way of 'parenting' or 'watching over' him makes me sick. No wonder your wife-"

Before I could continue, he extended his hand and hovered it in front of my face. A bright white light shone out of his hand and just as I was about to react everything suddenly turned black.

"Mission complete..." were the last words I heard.

Hours later

I woke up in an empty glass cage with a lock shutting it tight. 

"Oh you're awake," I looked to my left and found Mr. Park standing out of my cage with that annoying smirk on his face. I guess I know where Sunghoon got his smirk addiction from however I rather Sunghoons smirk over this grandpa.

"No shit sherlock," I rolled my eyes and leaned against the glass, shifting to find a comfortable position. He didn't look happy with my answer but ignored it and decided to get to the point as to why he was here.

"Look here kid, you're dead and are currently locked up in hell. Locked up you may ask? Well in order for me to keep my clean reputation and complete my mission I had to pass you in as a suicide subject which If I recall correctly, it's a sin to kill yourself but I couldn't care less. My useless son is no longer your guardian and is now living his normal happy life in hell again so there's no one to save you or visit you, enjoy your 7 years of imprisonment."

My jaw dropped, "7 YEARS FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO?!!" I was furious. "It's every man for himself here, welcome to hell kid," and he walked out.

I kicked the glass out of anger, but of course, everything in hell is magic so the glass didn't even crack the slightest. "Fucking hell," no pun intended.

Sunghoon POV

"What the fuck."

I was all of a sudden back in my house in hell.

Jake. Where's Jake? What happened to my pup?? All he did was go for a walk and disappear and I doubt Jakey would commit suicide. Fuck what if he was kidnapped and killed?

"My dear son~," A voice said from behind in a sing-song tone. The very same voice that haunted me for nights on end to the point where I could've overdosed out of stress and anxiety, all caused by him.

"What the fuck do you want after you left me and mother for 12 whole years and then come back with a new whore!" My eyes unconsciously turned red at the sight of this man.

"Woah calm down there, I'm just here to say your ex-human is now imprisoned because he killed himself!" I glared at him, "YOU'RE LYING!!" The pup I know would never do that.

"I wish son however he told me himself, he even told me the reason as well..." I missed his provoking smirk as his next sentence caught my attention.

"All because he was disgusted with the fact that he kissed a devil, he felt so unclean when he kissed you. He said it was the worst feeling he's ever felt and that he'd never-" "OKAY ENOUGH! Just get out..."

He smiled widely looking at my mentally broken state and happily exited the house.

Is he lying? Did Jake really feel like that? Why didn't he pull away if he hated it so much?

I need to see him.


make sure u do ur daily agust d playlist run thru xx

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