Chapter 9

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here enjoy this thot repellent card 


Jake POV

Sunghoon who's that?

I thought, pointing to the person sitting next to Sunghoon, "Hey I can read minds too." The stranger pouted, crossing his arms unintentionally acting cute. Sunghoon fake gagged but we ignored him.

So you're a devil??

"Yeah, and I'm guessing your Sunghoons human by the fact that you know about us and our powers," he smiled, offering his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand and smiled back a genuine smile although his smile was way more blinding and angel-like even with him being a devil. He seems nice. I could do with someone this bright in my life I guess.

"My name's Sunoo what's yours?"  He asked, still showing that bright ass smile of his, "I'm Jake." It's hard not to smile looking at this dude, he's literally the definition of the sun. It's way too bright here, there can only be one sun in this world. I looked up at the sun in the sky and sighed, 'your time is up.' Sunoo here is the new official sun.

A few hours later

After the soccer match, we hung out at the arcade, ate dinner at a restaurant, and Sunghoon and I are currently lounging around my apartment. If you're wondering what happened to Sunoo, well I talked with him for ages at the match and exchanged numbers later on when he had to leave. 

Not being sappy or anything but this was by far my most favorite and eventful birthday. I'll thank Jungwon later but definitely not through text or I'll get clowned for years and years to come. This was one long birthday *sips tea*

Tomorrow afternoon

We woke up at 1 pm, yes we, Sunghoon refused to sleep on the sofa or let me sleep on the sofa as well so we ended up in the same position as the time we first met. It's not like I'm complaining though, it was comfortable. 

Anyway, we had instant ramen for breakfast and played video games for a bit before I started craving snacks.

"Sunghoon I'm going to the convenience store mkay? You can stay here, I'll be real quick." I stated, chucking him my phone as he hummed in agreement. I left the building as Sunghoon played games on my phone and prank called random numbers, Istg he's a kid when you get to know him- we only met yesterday. Nevermind.

Making my way down the road I hugged myself tighter as I was only wearing track pants and a hoodie in this cold weather. I entered the store immediately feeling the warmth in the air. I sighed in content before going to look for some snacks we might like.

Whilst searching through the isles I felt a pair of eyes continuously following my every move however every time I looked back to see what it was I was met with a sleeping cashier and an empty street through the store window so I just shrugged it off thinking it was nothing.

I woke up the cashier and paid for my snacks when I heard the cashier's phone ring as I was heading to the door and Sunghoons voice on the other line. I internally giggled knowing he was prank calling.

The moment I stepped out of the warm store I felt that eery feeling creep out again, I scanned the area to hopefully find the cause of my paranoia at the moment. Once again I couldn't find anything suspicious so I ignored it and walked back to the apartment quicker than usual.

It's just the cold don't worry Jake

I tried reassuring myself but as I walked past an alleyway I got pulled in and pinned to the wall. I opened my eyes and was met with dark red ones staring back at me and white fangs that had some red stains on them.

Those red eyes darted to my neck and started leaning closer, "W-what are you d-doing?" I whispered, stuttering. Shivering as I felt fangs and ice-cold breath trace over my neck I tried pushing the 'thing' away but their grip became tighter. However, by pushing them away I could see their face more clearly since I couldn't before because of the dark. I was shocked.

Can you read minds too?

No answer. I guess that's a no then. They continued trying to bite at my neck but I had other plans, I kicked them in the shin and tried pushing them onto the floor but they were stronger so they ended up just hitting the wall behind. They came lunging at me again as I ran out of the alleyway. I ran as fast as I could to my apartment building but they were faster and punched me to the cold stone pathway floor. I groaned in pain as they instantly gripped where they punched me, pushing harder on the bruise that's most likely formed there.

I struggled against them as they started leaning for my neck once again, choking me to keep me in place. Losing air I tried calling out, "S-SUNGHOON-" I couldn't finish as I shut my eyes, feeling a fang prick my neck.

Before the fang could go any further the blondie on top of me got pushed aside. I coughed hard, wheezing for air. I looked to find the 'thing' or as I know better, Niki, passed out on the hard floor before looking at Sunoo who saved me. We exchanged glances before he came and helped me up, "Did you know about this?" I asked Sunoo, referring to Niki being, uhh... whatever he is. "Nope I only found out just now, kind of surprised Sunghoon didn't notice he wasn't human since-" Sunoo got cut off as Niki groaned, waking up.

"What happened? Why am I here?" He mumbled, waking up on the path and seeing me hold onto Sunoo for life. "Do you not remember?" Sunoo asked, realization then made it's way onto Niki's face, "did I turn?" he asked with sad eyes full of regret and nervousness. 

"If what your saying is what we saw then yes." Sunoo hesitantly answered. Niki dropped his head in his hands before he shot his head up, panicked, "Did I hurt anyone?!!"

Do I tell him?

I looked at Sunoo as he nodded his head. "Uhh... well-" Niki quickly cut me off seeing my bruises. "Jake I'm so sorry, like really really sorry... I understand if you don't want to be friends after this." Niki looked at me with an apologetic look, genuinely sorry.

I smiled before embracing him, "Don't worry Niki, you weren't yourself. Plus why would I stop being friends with you for something YOU didn't do? and if you're still feeling guilty then you can make it up to the both of us with an explanation." Why am I still single, I'm literally so nice and handsome and charming and kind and attractive and comforting and-

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" Niki constantly repeated, squeezing me tight. "Sorry to ruin the moment but Jake you need medical help and Niki we need an explanation so let's get inside Jake's apartment." Sunoo interrupted.

We nodded as Niki gave me a piggy-back to my apartment because I was limping from the contact with the alley wall and the pathway floor.

Wait. How did Sunoo know where Niki or I was? 


 plot twists ☕☕ bet u didn't expect vampire niki and if u did then uhhh brbcryingkhdsbv

anygays lmao hi im wroting this in math bcz there was a huge fight between some grade 12's at lunch and that inspired this chapter skskj

honestly idk what magic 2021 did to me but im suddenly way better at math than last year im???

lets stop my ranting and idk just enjoy this picture and have a good day/night <333

lets stop my ranting and idk just enjoy this picture and have a good day/night <333

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(stream superm jopping)

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