Chapter 20

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i broke the kitchen light after writing this 🤠i was just experimenting w/ things on the frying pan.


Jake POV

After Sunghoon passed out in my arms, Sunoo, Jungwon, and I exchanged concerned and confused glances before carrying him to lie down in my room.

"Maybe he was still tired?" Jungwon suggested. "No this isn't like him, usually if he was tired he'd just wash out his tiredness," I scratched the back of my head trying to find out what happened to him.

"Don't think about it too much, the others are waking up now let's go eat." Sunoo then walked out.

"I'll come in a bit," I waved them off, noticing the insides of my schoolbag thrown all over my desk.

I walked over to my desk to take a closer look at all the mess, finding the bottle which held my anxiety pills have the lid popped open and a few pills less than it did the last time I took one. I picked the bottle up and looked over at Sunghoon. "Why?..." I was beyond confused.

Jungwon POV

"I ship." Were Jay's first words after we explained what happened to Jake and Sunghoon, "I do too Jay but let's focus on Sunghoons mental health-" "I KNEW THEY'D BE TOGETHER!!" Niki cut off Heeseung, receiving a high-five from Jay.

"Guys they're not together," Sunoo shut them all down as he walked into the kitchen with a plate full of pancakes, "sadly..." he added on before digging into his meal.

"Anyway so Niki your birthday party is tonight-" blah blah blah but I could only think about the screams I heard outside of Jakey's apartment when we were nearing the door.


As I neared the dorm I heard a lot of shuffling and a few screams from inside. 

"SHUT UP!" It sounded like Sunghoons voice but I wasn't entirely sure since it was muffled because of the door.

"Do you guys hear that?" I asked Jake and Sunoo, "no?" Sunoo confusedly replied whilst giving 1 bag to Jake so he could take off his jumper. I looked at Jake for an answer but he just shook his head 'no.'

Maybe I was hallucinating but as soon as the door opened Sunghoon trapped Jake in a hug before passing out giving me second thoughts.

Is Sunghoon okay? Were the screams his? Why did he faint and why did he immediately rush to Jake?

End of flashback

The 3 of us were extremely concerned for the now resting male's mental and physical state. He looked so peaceful before we left the house, was it our disappearance? Or was it just Jake's?

"-By the way I'm letting our classmates invite a few of their friends. This is Niki's 16th birthday so we'll let him experience his first typical high-school party." Jay swung his arm around Niki's shoulder as Niki showed us a confident smile.

"Uh, Jay I don't think-" "Oh don't stress so much Jake, you needa loosen up too! Just enjoy the party while it lasts. I know everyone that's coming so don't worry, just trust me!~" Jay convinced Jake to let go of all his worries.

"Ah fine but if anything happens to our Niki or anyone else because of this party then your eyes are history" Jake threatened, holding up the knife he was using to cut his steak.

Jay visibly gulped, slowly nodding earning a creepy sweet smile from Jake.

Sunghoon POV

Was my dad really the first-ever Guardian devil?? If he was then why hasn't any other devil been a guardian after that? Was it because the year after that the angels and devils had another feud?

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