Chapter 15

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this mv is literally sO AMAZING WTF its the most aesthetic mv I've ever seen I ✨l u v✨ this debut skskj



Jake POV

I woke up in Sunghoons warm embrace that had managed to help me forget all my problems and finally have a peaceful night's sleep.

I studied his face, taking in every detail as of course, I knew he was handsome but I never had the opportunity to actually take a proper look. I noticed the small moles scattered on his face that decorated his flawless milky-white skin.

I lifted my hand up to trace his perfect face, outlining his eyes and slowly moving down his nose bridge however before I could get to the lips a smirk formed on them and a hand grasped mine, stopping me from moving. He opened one eye, "I know I'm handsome pup but just because you're my human doesn't mean you get special treatment," he teased as I felt my face heat up. I buried my bright red face in his chest out of humiliation before a memory forced itself into my thoughts.

"HEY, THAT'S MY MACAROON!! Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you get special treatment, food is the priority here." Chenle huffed as I attempted to steal a macaroon. I giggled giving him a kiss on the cheek as an apology.

I'm guessing Sunghoon either read my mind and saw the memory or felt the tears I was unconsciously shedding on his chest from the memory because he pulled me impossibly closer to him, wrapping his left arm around my waist and his other brushing through my hair.

"Hey, hey shhh..." he wiped my tears with his hand that was brushing through my hair while softly calming me with sweet words. My tears dried out as we lay still in that position before Sunghoon asked in a gentle voice, "wanna talk about it?" I knew that if I talked about it I would break down again however I needed to voice out my problems for this weight to get off my chest. "Yes please..."

Flashback No one POV

3 weeks into Jake's relationship with Chenle and he's starting to notice that Chenle is starting to become more and more distant. Of course Jake being the sweetheart he is thought that Chenle must be having a lot of stress from the amount of work their teachers were giving them although, after another week of dealing with distant Chenle even when the shit ton of work was lowered, Jake was starting to think otherwise.

Every day would be on repeat.

wanna go out today Lele?

sorry I'm a bit busy maybe next time♡

oh ok♡ 

And that's how Jake lost trust in Chenle little-by-little every day. 

Of course the patient and loving Jake had a limit so one day when he'd had enough of being ignored and left alone he went over to Chenle's house with no warning whatsoever to confront him. However the moment he opened the door he no longer needed answers.

Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks from realization,

"Chenle... J-Jisung...?" the 2 said males who were kissing on the couch snapped their heads towards Jake who was standing at the door with tears running down his face.

"S-sorry for disturbing... I'll leave..." Jake mumbled just loud enough for them to hear. immense guilt rushed through the both of them as Chenle rushed to Jake and Jisung buried his face in his hands. "Fuck... Jisung you idiot..." he whispered, feeling the consequences of his actions pile upon him. Trying to steal his best friend's boyfriend.

Just before Jake arrived

Jisung fiddled with his fingers as he sat in Chenle's room, the both of them studying. 

"Uhm... I'm a little hungry I'll just go get some food in the kitchen." Jisung nervously said as Chenle gave him a confused look, not knowing why his tone was so shaky but nonetheless nodded his head.

Jisung basically ran downstairs and got himself a cup of water, "Jisung no not now..." he scolded himself. He knew Chenle was in a relationship and he knew it very well, he also knew that his boyfriend was Jake, one of his best friends, and yet he still couldn't stop his feelings for Chenle.

Chenle still didn't know of Jisung's feelings towards him as Jisung tried being as secretive about it as possible. Sunghoon being the only one who knows about his crush on the blonde male.

"Jisung are you okay? you've been down here for a while." Chenle asked whilst walking into the kitchen to grab his favourite ramen packet. "Uh y-yeah," Jisung forced a smile.

Chenle on the other hand had way too much going on. The weight on his chest and the thoughts constantly running through his head.

He knows what he's doing wrong by avoiding his boyfriend but he can't help but feel guilty next to him knowing that he doesn't love Jake as much as he thought when they were together the first few weeks. 

Was I only attracted to his looks? 

Is the main thought running through his mind no matter how much he tries to block it out. Jake is a really nice, thoughtful, and loving person so Chenle refused to believe he was losing feelings for Jake. The feelings he never had. Later on, when he found out he's catching feelings for someone else he discovered that his attraction for Jake was purely just a crush based on looks and he feels way more than just guilty for that.

This means he lead the poor boy on that he loved him when really he's loving someone else but staying because he can't break the boy's heart like that.

Chenle put the packet of ramen back deciding he didn't want to eat as his appetite disappeared at the thought of love and boyfriends. He went over and sat on the couch, staring into space letting himself get drowned by his thoughts.

Jisung walked over and sat next to Chenle, "what's going through your mind?" he asked as he saw Chenle looking like his soul left his body. "A lot..." Chenle tiredly said, still staring at the blank TV in front of them.

"Um... C-Chenle can I do something real quick? You may like or hate it but probably hate it more. Just... promise we'll stay as friends, please." Jisung nervously stuttered. Chenle nodded, probably not even listening anymore. "Just move away if you don't... uhhh... want it."

Jisung then smashed his lips on Chenle's, snapping the blond boy from his trance as his eyes went wide. Before Chenle could respond or push away the boy the door opened and they heard a familiar voice that panged the worst guilt they've ever felt into their chests.

"Chenle... J-Jisung...?" Chenle pushed Jisung away and they both snapped their heads towards Jake.

"S-sorry for disturbing... I'll leave..." Jake quietly mumbled, walking out the door with tears running down his face. This caused Chenle to sprint out of the house after Jake and a dull Jisung on the couch with his head in his hands. Feeling the worst he's ever felt.


ok but Grammarly is honestly an NCTzen and u cant tell me otherwise

ok but Grammarly is honestly an NCTzen and u cant tell me otherwise

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also sry if u cried-

lets all cri for for the 3 of them now xoxo

have a nice/day night skskj <333

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