Chapter 18

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Sunghoon POV

Jake and I stood gaping at the handsome man in front of us who also appeared to be one of the same figure skaters we were admiring from before.

"Y-you w- I-" I stuttered as I snapped out of my trance and realized I was making a fool out of myself, "Yeah, if you don't mind." 

Pfft getting all shy and polite now

I playfully glared at Jake, noticing how he held his snort in at my all-of-a-sudden polite persona. 

"I don't mind," he shot me a charmingly sweet smile, earning a small goofy one from me in return. He seems nice but that doesn't make me any less intimidated, I mean, he's probably a famous figure skater but I wouldn't know because hell is so far behind on human trends and news.

"Oh by the way my name's Jackson, what's yours?" He asked as he guided me onto the rink. "Sunghoon."

(Imagine not adding Jackson Wang to an ff 🤑)

We skated around for a few hours with Jake occasionally joining in, that doesn't mean he improved though. He could barely keep balance-

"oOMPHF-" and he fell again :)

Jackson taught me the basics and even a few extra tricks, of course, me being me was naturally good at it. Half-way through, Jake and I found out that Jackson actually was a famous figure skater.

"I KNEW IT!!" Jake yelled as he gripped tightly onto the rails, his knuckles almost pale white. A few people looked our way because of the yelling, causing Jake to look down as his face lightly flushed, embarrassed.

I let out a hearty laugh before skating over and pinching his cheeks, "awh, you embarrassed?" I teased with a cheeky grin.

He slapped my hand away before attempting to hit me over the head. Keyword: Attempting. "Shut the-"

He slipped. Again. 

But I'm honestly probably a descendant of Lee Know or something because my reflexes surprise even me. I grabbed his waist the moment I saw his unstable posture and pulled him into my chest, noticing his cheeks go an even brighter shade of pink.

He pushed himself away from me and gripping tight onto the rails whilst muttering, "Handsome ass 5'10 motherfucker"

Jake POV

As comfortable as hearing Sunghoons fast heartbeat and being in his warm embrace was, I knew that if I'd have stayed there any longer then I would explode. I look like a goddamn tomato.

Before going back to skating with Jackson he glided over to me and leaned near my ear, "don't fall for me just yet pup," it was so close to inaudible yet I heard it clear as day. I looked down with an even redder face and caught my reflection on the ice floor.

What a fucking- 

Time skip

After leaving the ice rink with Jackson's number and autograph we went back to my apartment.

"-It's just like walking what do you mean? You just have bad balance."

"Shut up, You're naturally good at everything though so that doesn't count."

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