Chapter 6

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does anyone else ever feel awkward when u send something to them and their reply is 'haha' like u don't know if they're being sarcastic, laughing hard, or don't know how to reply? bcz the moment 'haha' comes out it gets awkward asf sjksj




Jake POV

Ah, shoot, I forgot about the bit where I'd have to explain my Guardian is a devil who I woke up in bed with just this morning.

"ahaha...haha" I sounded so fake, should I avoid telling or just spill it right here right now? Whatever, I'll just spill it.

"So h-how are you guys?" Great job Jake. Great job. "I know it's your birthday and all Jake, but this is important, please tell us why there's a devil next to you." Heeseung politely demanded.

Sigh, I guess it's Sunghoon's intro time. "Ok let me introduce him and you're not allowed to interrupt mkay?" They all nodded.

"So this is Park Sunghoon, my- Uhm. My Guardian devil. I don't know much about him yet but from my first impression, he's kinda, um, actually nevermind let's pass that bit."

I honestly don't know any of his powers other than the power to teleport/teleport things and flying

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I honestly don't know any of his powers other than the power to teleport/teleport things and flying. "I can read minds too, pup," He whispered in my ear, smirking. Well fuck.

"YOUR GUARDIAN DEV-" Jay yelled only to be shut up my Heeseungs hand over his mouth. "How did you meet?" Jungwon asked excitedly, showing off his dimples and shining cat-like eyes. He's so cute I'm going to cry however I really really really don't want to answer his question.

I looked to Sunghoon for help but he pretended to be busy looking elsewhere, I tugged on his shirt- actually it's my shirt since his one broke because of his wings. He ignored my desperate looks and tugs on the shirt to get out of this awkward question. "Jake Hyung?" No don't look, Jake, don't look, you know you're going to succumb to his cuteness. In the end, I couldn't help but look and fall for his charms.

That still doesn't help my situation, I lightly kicked Sunghoons leg, signaling for him to help me. I can't tell Jungwon the truth under Jay and Heeseungs piercing glares. "Aha, well, you see, uh- OH HI NIKI" I screeched, running to Niki my savior.

I clung to Niki's arm, not letting the poor boy stuff his biscuit in his mouth, "Niki help me distract Jungwon please please please?" I pleaded, "Buy me lunch for the whole of next week" What a brat but my life's on the line so I'd do anything for Jungwon to keep his innocence and for me to not get killed by his guardians. "Yes, yes, whatever you won't just help me!" I whispered in a rush as the 2 angels, devil and Jungwon started making their way here, still keeping their distance from Sunghoon.

Isn't it funny how through text Jungwon is savage and dangerous but in real life he's the cutest bean to exist? I don't understand either.

"Hey, Jungwon, want some biscuits? It's your favorite that I never share with you," Niki came to my rescue unLIKE SOMEONE *cough ˢᵘⁿᵍʰᵒᵒⁿ *cough.

Jungwon being the oblivious cutie he is happily took a few biscuits whilst I dragged the non-humans to an empty classroom for an explanation.

"Explain," Jay demanded. Before I could open my mouth, Sunghoon started talking, "Haven't you heard angel?" he snickered, emphasizing on the 'angel' part with a voice filled with disgust.

"Head angel and satan are punishing bad devils by making them guardians for humans because their children are in a love affair and persuaded them to make peace between angels and devils," Sunghoon said, acting disgusted at the thought of angels and devils working together.

Sunghoon POV

Angels and devils working together peacefully? Lmao, what. The last time we even tried creating peace between the 2 was the start of another war, the cause being both sides fighting for leadership overall. It was childish honestly.

Although that war was decades ago, angels and devils never really kept in touch or communicated ever again. Until Satans, son and the head angel's daughter HAD to fall in love.

"And sadly, that's why I'm here." I finished off, rolling my eyes.

"What-" Jay started, getting cut off by the bell for dismissal. 

Don't you love coming to school, not doing anything, and then going home with full attendance because the principal thinks you look like an obedient kid.

I couldn't help but snort at Jakes's thoughts. The principal really did think that when Jake went to sign me up and offer me a tour, using his puppy eyes on the principal the whole time to look iNnOcEnT and KiNd.

"Anyway, let's go Sunghoon." Jake grabbed my hand, leading me out as Jungwon who caught up with his angels shouted from behind, "REMEMBER THE SOCCER MATCH JAKE AND BRING YOUR GUARDIAN WITH YOU!"

"OKAYY" Jake screamed back before explaining to me where we were going and why.

An hour later

Jake and I are at the shops finding clothes for me because Jake's clothes are too small for me. "We may as well get my uniform here too" I suggested to Jake, "I ordered it online before we came here, we have to pick it up from somewhere else tomorrow sadly." Jake sighed.

I'm wasting my Saturday on this kid.

"You know you love me pup, just admit it." I teased.

"Do I have to make a list as to why I don't again." He rolled his eyes, playfully glaring at me.

"Please do, I'm sure there's nothing on that list because there's no possible way ANYONE would hate ME" I flipped my non-existent hair.

He's so full of himself jfc

"I can read minds pup remember" I scoffed at his thoughts.

"Oh yeah forgot, anyway, 1. We met just today, 2. We had the worst first impression, 3. YOU KISSED MY NECK AFTER PINNING ME TO THE WALL, 4. You obviously hate my friends, 5. You broke several of my shirts with your thick ass wings, 6.-"

"HEY! leave my gorgeous wings alone" I defended, letting my wings out (and wrecking my shirt again.)

What an idiot now his man-tits are showing.

Jake thought, rolling his eyes. "What a pisspot you are pup, just say my abs are hot." Don't think I didn't catch him staring at my abs. He gave me a knowing look, not even bothering to speak.

Ok, ok your abs are hot now take the spare hoodie out of my bag, we're still in public remember.

"I won't take the hoodie until I hear you say I'm hot with your own words from your MOUTH" I smirked.

Fuck you.

"I would too, now say it." "Fine, you're hot now take the fucking hoodie you brat" My smirk grew wider as I caught the bright pink lightly dusting his cheeks. I pinched them before diving into his bag to find the hoodie, accidentally coming across a bottle of pills.

I took a closer look at the bottle to read the label. Anxiety pills. I decided to remember that for later.


maybe ill double update today to make up for not posting yesterday xoxo M A Y B E

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