Chapter 5

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Jake POV

I shot my eyes open as cold water came in contact with my face. I sat up and looked around, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw no weird handsome creature in my room, It was probably a dream-

"Hey pup, finally awake?" A deep voice spoke from behind, followed by arms wrapping around my small waist. What thee fucketh. 

"ᵂᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ" I chanted, hitting my head. This HAS to be some sort of nightmare. Large hands then wrapped themselves around my own, preventing me from hitting myself any further. "You're not sleeping pup" I wish I was.

"1. My name's not pup it's Jake. 2. This is probably a nightmare leave me alone you possessed spirit. 3. What the fuck. 4. Who the fuck are you, and 5. What the fuck." I had a sudden burst of confidence, wow I didn't stutter. I thought he would have gotten mad or something since I oPpOsEd HiM, but no, he just giggled, and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the most attractive giggle I've heard other than my classmates' mark and hyunjin. (stan NCT n SKZ xx)

"Sorry pup but I wish this was some sort of nightmare too," He said something like that last time.

"You don't want this and neither do I" 

This brings me back to square one, "Who are you and why're you here?" I got out of his embrace as I gave him the stank-eye.

"Ah right, you might not believe but you'll have no choice but to since I'm stuck here until you die" he gave me a salty-grin. "My name is Park Sunghoon, aka your Guardian devil."

... Damn why won't I let myself faint again? C'mon Jake Shim, 

Honestly, fuck my life.

"Wait. How do I know you're not lying?" I asked, still refusing to believe I have a guardian and the fact that devils are real.

"I literally have black wings and red horns attached to my body and if that isn't enough then I have powers like every angel does but more modified since devils fight more." He stated.

"I still don't believe you-" And that's how I ended up hugging him- or strangling; for life as he carried me bridal style, flying way too high for me to survive if he dropped me... which he did.

"YOU HOE YOU SAID YOU WERE MY GUARDIAN" I screamed falling, I don't know whether to be happy or scared that I'm about to die. I looked down and- I JUST REMEMBERED I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL OH MY GOD.

"SUNGHOON I'M GOING TO BE LOCKED IN HELL FOR ANOTHER HOUR IF YOU DON'T COME CATCH ME NOW!!" In my vocabulary, hell means detention and school. 

I ended up somehow changing location in the blink of an eye. My new location being Sunghoons lap in my apartment living room. 

"You're such a man-whore" I groaned, annoyed with my situation, "only for you pup, also happy birthday," he winked, offering a finger heart.

I fought- yes, fought; my way off his lap, "I'm going to school, and either you come with me or stay here sitting still on the coach not touching ANYTHING" I definitely turned into my history teacher with that toxic smile I'm giving Sunghoon.

"I'll stay" he answered, "Oh you're coming? Great!" Like hell, I'd let him wreck my apartment, even if I told him to stay still I'd probably end up homeless coming back from school knowing he'll either disturb everyone in the building or go terrorize people outside.

Sunghoon POV

Whilst he was passed out I figured I could give him the nickname 'pup' considering he looks like a puppy and it's a short, easy, name.

Anyway, since I'm his guardian for life- *his life; I'll have to attend the same school as him so right now we're (mostly Jake but we'll ignore that) making me a student at this school Jake hates. He's so confusing, he whines on and on about how much he hates this school but he'll rush to get there on time.

Can I also just add that he's really late right now. After forcing me to fly the both of us to school and signing me up has left him with only about 3 classes until dismissal time.


Make that 2 classes.

"Okay Sunghoon you start school in 2 days so, for now, I'll just give you a tour of the school, and tomorrow we can get your school stuff" Jake informed me as I nodded. This school better not be complete shit like Jake says it is.

Half an hour later

This school's so fucking big we're not even done the tour yet however luckily for me there's only the cafeteria left to see and luckily for Jake, he got excused from his classes to help me out. 

We often came across students with free periods who would sometimes eye-rape the both of us walking through the hallways. Honestly, it's beyond creepy but I guess this is the human high school life?

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY WHORES! ew mind your eyes- ahem, MOVE YOUR FLAT ASSES" A loud shout was heard coming from a big crowd at the entrance of the cafeteria. The voice belonging to a blonde angel who looked like an angry bird, standing next to a really tall angel whose looks remind me of a deer, and squished protectively in between those 2 was a short (smol) human who honestly looked similar to a cat- okay let me stop comparing people to animals and game characters.

"Jungwon!" Jake beamed, going in for a hug with the cat-looking human from before, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKEY!" he screeched. However unlike the cat kid, the deer, and the angry bird angels glared at me the whole time.

"Jakey..." the angry bird started, "why are you with a devil?"


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