Easter special

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early for some ppl but its 2AM here so ahahahhahahahahahahaha

haha wtf idk just enjoy ig👺😭👺😭👺😭👺😭👺😭👺😭



Sunghoon POV

"I do," Chenle lovingly said, caressing the Aussie male's hands earning a bright smile that could cure all illnesses. 

"Do you, Jake shim, take Zhong Chenle to be your husband, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until parted by death?" The priest questioned the youngest.

Jake smiled at the Chinese male causing that painful feeling to appear in my stomach. 

"Hey, pup?" I stood behind the said male trying to grab his attention.

"You still in bed bitch?"

I tried touching the male but my hand went straight through his body, causing me to back away out of shock. "Pup?!" I called out.

He placed his hands on either of Chenle's cheeks, gazing into the older's eyes before announcing. "I do."

And I heard 2 hearts shatter, one belonging to the silent Park Jisung sitting in the front row and the other belonging to me. "Pup this isn't funny. Pup? Jake?!" I walked in front of him and tried caressing his face but my hands went straight through.

"It's literally 10 o'clock."

I teared up seeing Chenle slip a ring onto Jake's finger, "Jakey, please? You can stop pranking me now." Jake's smile only increased as he took hold of Chenle's left hand and slipped a ring onto his finger.

"You may now kiss the groom."

"Get the fuck up," I shot up at the feeling of a pillow coming in contact with my face. "Jungwon?!" I yelled, surprised he was even in my- Jake's* apartment at this time in the morning.

Oh yeah, "Where's Jake?!" I questioned, shaking Jungwon by the collar. "Calm down lover boy, he's at Jay's house ravishing all of his easter eggs because Jay accidentally bought a whole ship. Nothing new." Jungwon lightly pushed me away as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Speaking of Jake... he isn't married to Chenle you paranoid devil now Jay's waiting for us at his house so hurry up." Damn did I talk in my sleep? I guess I picked up Jakey's habit. 

He has been talking in his sleep a lot lately, mostly in English which I, unfortunately, can't understand. The words I remember he uses though sound something like, "Love" "Idiot," "Penguin," and then other words that sound gibberish but, once again, I don't speak English so they might be words; "Fucking asshole," "Handsome ass devil."

Yeah, probably gibberish. Anyway back to the topic at hand.

After freshening up and getting dressed we made our way over to Jay's house and I was immediately engulfed into a hug by my favorite person.

"I missed you, sleepy idiot," he unconsciously pouted which did something to my heart. "Your fault for not pushing me off the bed in the morning babe," I booped his nose causing it to scrunch up into a disgusted face. "I like pup better, babe sounds TOO cliche and it's so common." He complained earning a low chuckle from me.

"You're so cute and for what," I littered kisses all over his face however not long after we heard a series of gags from none other than Niki and Jay.

I pulled Jake impossibly closer into my embrace, his face hidden in my chest as I covered him protectively with my wings. "You're just jealous you don't have Jake as your partner," I stuck my tongue out at the both of them.

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