Chapter 16

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omfg look what bestiebitch made -parqcxsmes i literally lOVE IT SKDJFVBH

omfg look what bestiebitch made -parqcxsmes i literally lOVE IT SKDJFVBH

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Sunghoon POV

After hearing Jake's story I felt extremely bad for him, he didn't deserve to be treated like that especially when he's been giving his absolute best as a friend and boyfriend.

I pulled the crying puppy onto my lap, his legs on either side of my waist and his head buried in my chest. I brushed my left hand through his long black locks and traced shapes on his back gently with my other hand. 

I guess being together with Jake for a long time helped the hate relationship between us grow into a caring type of friendship.

"Thanks, Sunghoon," Jake whispered, "don't mention it pup." I gave him a soft smile as he parted from my embrace.

"Oh and also sorry, your shirts soaked," he added, pointing at the wet patch that formed on my shirt from his tears. "Oh, I don't care it's your money anyway," I shrugged it off, it's not like I paid for my own clothes *sips tea*

He playfully hit me before both of our phones pinged.

Niki's side hoes🤠

Niki's birthday party at his house w/ us his besties ✨💞😎😍🥰♡
ft. the rest of our grade

Ah, that's right Niki's birthday is coming up, as well as mine but in hell, we don't really do the whole 'birthday' thing so it's nothing special.

Sunghoon's birthday is near as well

"Really?" Jake asked, looking up from his phone and giving me his curious doe puppy eyes. I nodded in response.

"We should do something for your birthday then!" He excitedly jumped off the bed, raising his hands in the air like a child and if I'm being honest, I didn't have the heart to decline. "Fine but nothing too much, I don't like people still." I looked away pretending to not be interested in hanging out or even doing something in general for my birthday. I guess I liked someone considering my 'special' day for once.

"Okay, but before we plan your birthday shit let's go eat I'm food-deprived." Jake went to freshen up and get dressed whilst I laid still, waiting for my turn.

To pass the time I scrolled through my phone before eventually getting bored and looking around Jake's room. I scanned the shelves on his walls and spotted many trophies from math, physics, and soccer. Even some music ones are thrown in there.

After checking out the trophies my eyes darted to the pictures hung on the wall and the ones planted on the shelf. I came across a lot of his childhood photos, especially family ones.

I saw one particular photo that was ripped. I moved closer to get a better look and saw little Jake in between what I guessed was his parents, mother on the left and father on the right with their guardians next to them. His mums angel was next to her however for the dad the spot next to him was ripped off, leaving something black and feathery floating next to him in the photo.

Before I could take a proper look the bathroom door opened and I scurried back to the bed, pretending to have been waiting for Jake to finish in the shower. "You can go in now, we'll go out to a cafe because I need fresh air after all that crying." "Kay'"

After freshening up and getting dressed we went to a cafe close to the building. The cafe gave off a comfortable-home-like sort of vibe with the domestic type designs.

We ordered drinks and some breakfast before sitting at a small booth near the window, showing off the view of the busy street with people rushing around and cars going back and forth on the traffic-filled road.

"Did you let Chenle explain everything to you?" I suddenly asked Jake who was savoring his pancakes. He finished his mouthful before replying, "Yeah, I guess I should've noticed he didn't really love me but I was hooked on the thought of even having a boyfriend to consider his true feelings. I also suspected Jisung liked Chenle with all the glares I got." Jake giggled a bit at the end, thinking of Jisung shooting death glares at him as he was being all lovey-dovey with Chenle.

I'm glad to know he's getting over the pain although he moved on way quicker than I thought.

Why was that picture ripped though?


yo sry this was rly short but I gotta study for an upcoming math test kskssj ALSO I HAVE SCHOOL PHOTOS ON MONDAY- plz i hope I don't mess up like last time LMAO I literally looked like a dwaekki

speaking of dwaekki mcfucking skzoo gods menu performance has me crying

speaking of dwaekki mcfucking skzoo gods menu performance has me crying

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