Chapter 22

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jay why pee better free hyunjin or a bitcj boutta pop off


Sunghoon POV

Jake was taking a pretty long time in the restroom so I went to check on him however the moment I stepped into the hallway I saw a familiar puppy being pinned to the floor by a stranger from school.

Everything turned red as I felt a sudden hatred for the man. 

He gripped Jake's arms tight as a smirk formed on his face. Red.

He dragged a finger up across Jake's arm, admiring the scared puppy underneath him. Red.

He leaned in, diving towards Jake's lips. Red.

The man flew harshly into the wall before he could even touch Jake's lips. A painful groan leaving his lips as a bruise should have formed.

I walked towards the man and kicked him in the stomach.


The man passed out because he drank so much but that didn't stop me from straddling him and throwing punches to his face.


I gripped my hands around his neck as I started to cut off his air.


Jake screamed as he jumped on me, causing me to fall backward and off the man. He buried his face into my chest and tightened his grip around my torso, snapping me out of my trance.

My sight became clear as colors rushed in, "Jake are you okay?!" I worriedly asked, pushing him away to cup his face, scanning him for any injuries. After finding none I pulled him into my embrace.

Not long after I felt a warm wet substance on my chest, I looked down and found a crying Jake. "Pup? What's wrong??" I asked concerned. He left a small punch on my chest before lecturing me, "You shouldn't have hurt him that bad!! What if he got hurt and was a friend of Jay's?!" I looked at the man passed out on the floor, "Oh... sorry..." If I'm being honest I wasn't really sorry or guilty at all because of what he did-

"Thanks though," Jake left a small kiss on my cheek before running to the restroom.

I stood there frozen with my hand on my cheek. What the fuck just happened.

Meanwhile Jake POV

'You were just saying thanks in an affectionate way. It's a kind gesture, nothing more.' I chanted to myself.

I repeatedly slapped my bright red face to knock myself out of whatever I did or either wake me up from this nightmare.

Now he's gonna think I'm weird or that I even have feelings for him! Yeah, I admit he's really attractive and handsome and nice and loving and caring and playful and funny but that doesn't mean I like him. There are literally no signs I'm showing that mean I like him, we're just friends.

But now... uRGH he'll definitely think I have something towards him, way to go Jake. You're doing great sweetie.

I left the restroom after a few minutes of self-slander and came face-to-face with a frozen Sunghoon holding his cheek in shock.

"Don't think too hard or your brain will hurt, it doesn't mean anything penguin boy, you're not that special." I inwardly giggled as I dragged him out of the hallway.

"What happened to ice kid?" Seungmin (SKZ) questioned as Sunghoon stood still in the middle of the kitchen, still clutching his cheek.

"He's playing the freeze game- oh shit." I can't believe we forgot about the man in the hallway.

Sunghoon the guy in the hallway is still lying there unconscious.

No response.


"WHAT?!" Sunghoon spun around in shock facing me, "Oh I have your attention now let's go." I dragged a whiny penguin through the hallways leaving a very very confused Seungmin to eat his brownies.

"How're we gonna move him?" I asked before facing the pouty devil, "can't you just teleport him somewhere Sunghoon?"

He gave me a stare as if what I said was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. "And why would I??" I gave him a blank bitch stare, "Unless you want Jay to know you beat up one of-" "FINE!" he cut me off as he hesitantly laid his hand on top of the man and teleported him to hopefully one of Jay's guestrooms or a hospital. All whilst keeping a disgusted face on.

"Let's go have some fun now." I dragged Sunghoon out as- Why do I keep dragging him?? Anyway, the moment we stepped out of the hallway and into the living room we found a sugar-high Sunoo getting a piggyback ride from Niki.

"I'M niKI'S guaRDIan wOO!!" He shouted, voice cracks occasionally making their way in his words. "Congrats Niki you're basically gonna be guarding him more than he'll be guarding you." Sunghoon stated as he walked over to the food table only to find the chocolate fountain had been turned off and there was none inside.

We exchanged glances before Sunoo screeched, "giDDy uP hOrsIE!!" and then realized where it all went and why he's acting so high.

"LAST ONE IN THE POOL HAS TO DIP A TEABAG IN THEIR MOUTH FULL OF WATER" Renjun (NCT) yelled followed by everyone jumping in and a late haechan coming out of Jay's walk in pantry with food stuffed in his mouth.



the dreamies r so high istg. they're my ults for a reason🤑

anygays enjoy some weird stuff b4 I wish u a good day/night 

anygays enjoy some weird stuff b4 I wish u a good day/night 

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have a good day/night <333

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have a good day/night <333

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