Chapter 3

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literally, only  a week since school began for me and I want to cease and desist 


Sunghoon POV

I hate everything right now. No, it's not just because I'm going through puberty, it's the situation I'm in.

Let me explain why I'm so pissed. Just yesterday I found out that somehow satan's son was in a goddamn cliche love story with the head angel's daughter. To make the explanation easier lemme just call the head angel something like Cujo?? Honest to god wtf, but let's go with it anyway.

So Cujo and Satan found out about this, shit went down, but in the end, they let them be, etc cliche stuff, however, after all the tea was spilled, the couple went and made more. Meaning they somehow got satan to help Cujo with their guardians for humans shit, creating Guardian devils.

Of course, Devils wouldn't oblige that easily to being one of those humans Guardians, especially setting foot on that feral planet, earth.

You may think hell is a place where people could do whatever, steal, vandalize, bully, etc. however it's just like normal society. You get in trouble for doing wrong, you must follow rules and all that, the only reason why people fear hell is that we devils live here and I admit we don't have the best image or history.

So what I'm saying is, Satan is making all the Devils who've recently broken the rules become a humans Guardian as punishment. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know this rule until after I went overboard and killed that devil who broke into my house. Yes, that means I'm currently getting assigned my human that I have to guard/guide.

"Here and good luck" I got handed a sheet of information about the human I'm guarding.

Name: Jake  Full name: Shim Jaeyoon

That's a Korean name, thank god I don't have to learn a whole new culture and language.

Age: 17  Date of birth: 15/11/2002  Nationality: Korean-Australian

Hold up. His birthday is tomorrow, his 18th birthday to be exact. From what I've heard humans get their Guardians at 16... Shouldn't he already have one?? I'm so confused. Ah, whatever.

Location: ********** South Korea  

I have no idea where that is but please make it somewhere decent for a devil-like me to live until my human dies. Wait, my human? Weird. Moving on.

Parents: None  Relatives: Unknown  Current Guardian: -----

Not to be that person but, oOoOO mYsTeRiOuS- I still don't wanna be a guardian though. Oop here's a face pic.

I guess he's pretty handsome and I'm glad he is, I didn't want to have to put up with a Shrek look-a-like

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I guess he's pretty handsome and I'm glad he is, I didn't want to have to put up with a Shrek look-a-like.

And that's all that was on the sheet so I guess it's time I get sent of to earth and find his house or wherever. I can't believe I have to live with a human for the rest of their life.

After arriving on earth

I'm in front of a pretty decent apartment building right now, I prefer the one's in hell better though. At the moment it's not too late in the afternoon so Uhm, Jake, might be out somewhere. Using an English name is weird for me, I would call him Jaeyoon but I feel like making my own nickname... I'll think of that later.

After endlessly walking the halls, I finally found Jake's apartment. 

For you who might be wondering, 'what about your wings?' Well of course I wouldn't just walk around casually with them sticking out, we devils and angels can make our wings disappear along with our halo/horns. 

Anyway, after checking out his entire apartment and making sure no one was present, I let my wings appear, singing in satisfaction as I stretched them out. Sadly it was either my wings were too big or Jake's apartment was really small because I ended up knocking things over, left, right, and center.

Ah well, I'll deal with all this later. Right now, I'll just fly around a little I guess- or hover/float, Jake's apartment is too small for me to fly around properly.

After a few minutes, I immediately froze when I heard a faint *click*  Indicating that the door was being unlocked. I quickly folded my wings (It takes a few seconds to make them disappear +concentration) behind my back and hid in the corner of Jake's bedroom.

I hear footsteps throughout the living room followed by a yawn, I'm guessing he's tired from doing whatever. The bedroom door spun open as I ducked my head down, staying out of sight to hear Jake enter his closet for a bit before coming back out (what a lame gay joke imjhBJH) and jumping on the bed. Surprised he didn't notice all the mess or my horns sticking out.

I painfully waited an hour or less before popping my head up and finding him dead asleep. I stood up- Oh shit my back, goddamnit, I literally just stretched out my wings and now they feel like they've been locked in for 7 years. Now back to reality.

I stood up making my way over to analyze Jake, I won't lie, he looks even more handsome in person. If he ever heard me say this, he better be thankful, compliments from me don't come easy and I'm handsome asf might I add💅

The moment I sat down on his bed was the moment I realized how exhausted I was from all the traveling and tormenting my wings making me extra tired. Where to sleep? Ah fuck it, I'll just sleep next to him, not like I'd oversleep, let him wake up and have this as our first impression.

I lay down next to him, not really finding comfort in the blankets and sheets so I took Jake into my embrace and wrapped my wings around the 2 of us, providing warmth and a sense of protection.

I hOpE I dOn'T oVeRsLeEp.


plZ if sunghoon said 'shit went down' irl i'd be ascending this very moment.

anygays hope u enjoyed, have a great day/night <333

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