Chapter 2

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lmao hi


Jake POV

I dragged my aching body to detention after sitting through my last 2 periods, luckily having my phone back with me.

As I opened the door I surprisingly didn't find Jay already in detention as he'd usually be. He might be an angel but manz got an attitude. However, I did see Niki here though. Niki and Jay are what you would call regulars if this was a shop, however, it's detention so they're just labeled as troublesome.

The kids who've never had detention trying to act all this and that telling me I can just skip detention are delusional. This isn't your high school fantasy story, the detention teacher is always awake and watching. Honestly, it's kinda creepy but I can't complain because he's just doing his job.

Anyway after that long session of hell aka sitting still, staring into space, sometimes challenging the teacher to a staring competition, only to end up crying and losing; I made my way over to the convenience store for a snack since I forgot my lunch again today, waking up late.

After getting some quick cup ramen and sitting down to start eating, my phone vibrated on the table, notifying me of a sudden message from Jungwon. 

1 Message from LittleLamb✨😍🥰
are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?
Open message? Yes No

Don't even question why I have his contact like that, everyone's whipped for Yang Jungwon so I have all rights to name his contact that. Also, damn, I forgot my 18th birthday is tomorrow. He'll probably drag me out somewhere if I say I'm not doing anything. Usually, I'd decline but for some reason, I don't feel like being alone for my birthday this year.

Open message? [Yes] No

Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?

no 🤩🤩

gr8 well lucky for u papi chulo I got good news

plz don't take me to an old ppls spa place again
that was traumatizing😔😢

u almost drowned in that shallow ass looking lake pond :))

this is bullying

jackiejake🐾this is bullying

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anygays☺me, jay, heeseung, n niki are going to see a soccer game and since ur a soccer simp wanna come along

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me, jay, heeseung, n niki are going to see a soccer game and since ur a soccer simp wanna come along

I just know that isn't a question and I don't have a choice

case cracked sherlock 👏

be glad I'm coming along willingly

wew is this jake I'm talking to


anygays if u want u can bring an extra person

doubt I'll bring anyone but we'll see ☕

LittleLamb✨😍🥰 Added jackiejake🐾 to Niki's side hoes🤠 

Niki's side hoes

I won't even question the gc name

why'd u add shortie here
all the memories :((

what memories
all I remember are roasts and heeseung's bad jokes

didn't needa come at me like that tho👺

hoes mad🤪

fml, I need to change some people's contact names but I'll do that later. For now, lemme tell u which contact is which.

McNuggetNiki💅- this one's kinda obvious, Niki. rockchic🥖- the one and only jay. 
heehee👴- what kind of crack was I on when I saved heeseung's contact. 
LittleLamb✨😍🥰- already know Jungwon jackiejake🐾- and finally me :D

I turned my phone off as I chucked the ramen packaging out, making my way back to my apartment as it started getting dark outside. I should work out more, it was just a 20-minute walk and I look like I've just given birth to a set of triplets. 

Entering my apartment, I quickly changed and immediately dropped down on my bed, too tired to notice the unusually messy room or the figure hiding in the corner of my room.


ps for all of u wondering where sunoo is, he comes in later in the story 🤑🤑

have a great day/night <333

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