Chapter 12

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manifesting a Chenle (NCT) entrance chapter xoxo


Sunghoon POV

Whilst the kids in this class went fucking psycho over seeing a devil, Jake and I carried on with our demonstration.

If I'm being honest, I only brought out my wings to cheat. We're not allowed to have the same position every time we fit on the paper right? Well, they can't tell us off if they can't see so that's why my wings are out. Jake and I will just have the same position but my wings will be covering the both of us so no one can see we're cheating.

The only problem is balance. I just know that once we pass this round that the next one will for sure get us out since carrying Jake and the weight of my wings all on my tippy-toes will throw off my balance.

Time skip

Yeah, we fell.

Anyway, since the demonstration is over we're now onto the real thing and are currently being put into partners by the teacher.

"Felix and Kevin"
"Junkyu and Haruto"
"Bangchan and Bri- Sorry I mean YoungK*"
"Jake and Chenle"
"Sunghoon and Yeonjun" 

"And now for the girls..."

We ended up as partners since being in groups would be chaotic and squishy.

Honestly, my partner Yeonjun is pretty well known throughout the school for his grades and crackhead personality, he won't be hard to work with I guess.

I looked over to where Jake was and I could see him smiling brightly with his partner Chenle. I felt something in the pit of my stomach but decided to ignore it since I'm probably just hungry from all the lifting and balancing.

The first round began and as expected, everyone could fit on their sheet of paper.

Jake POV

Chenle is really funny and has an amazing personality. What caught me off was his high-pitched and loud voice whenever he screams and laughs. He has a lot of admirers and I can see why now.

Every time we passed a round he'll jump up and down screeching with his dolphin voice and add a funny comment for me to laugh at. Although the funny comments weren't necessary since his laugh and smile are addicting. I guess what I'm trying to say is we became friends in no time.

"Okay fourth fold now!" The teacher announced as everyone folded their paper in half for the fourth time. Chenle and I were around the same height with him being just a few centimeters taller. Considering our weight and height we figured it'd be too heavy for one of us to carry the other so we ended up just tightly hugging every round but in different ways so we wouldn't get disqualified.

To fit the both of us this round I had to stand on top of Chenle's feet whilst hugging him tightly. 

"You ready?" Chenle asked as he hugged my waist closer to prevent me from falling, "Hold on..." I moved impossibly closer to Chenle, wrapping my arms around his neck carefully so I don't end up choking him. "Yep, I'm ready," we parted from each other to wait for the start signal.

"Are all surviving teams ready?" The teacher asked earning loud screams from the groups who survived to the fourth round, "YESS!" 

"Okay then, same rules as every other round: Once I count to 3 you guys need to stay on the paper together, nothing touching the floor, for 5 seconds. Now let's start:
3... 2... 1... Start!"

Every team instantly went in their positions, hugging, carrying, etc.


I felt my balance become a bit shaky as my feet struggled to find the position I was in before, slightly slipping off of Chenle's.


Chenle pulled me closer to him, "Don't panic or else it'll be even worse," he whispered to me.


I nodded, taking in a breath before calmly transitioning my feet to a better spot.


The better spot didn't end up so great as my foot slipped off of Chenle's and I fell back, pulling him on top of me, 


"He counts like a goddamn snail," Chenle mumbled under his breath before looking up, finding our faces millimeters apart. Him on top of me with his arms on either side of me, pinning me to the floor.

We held eye-contact for a few seconds before he snapped out of it and got up, offering me his hand whilst mumbling a small, "sorry." The both of us having a light pink dusted on our cheeks, "No it's fine I fell first," I for some reason whispered.

Sunghoon POV

Even though Yeonjun was my partner I couldn't help but witness the scene between Jake and Chenle. Judging by the bright pink on Jake's cheeks it was pretty obvious he was already attracted to Chenle, even just a little.

Anyway, my group lasted 2 more rounds before we couldn't fit anymore and that's when the bell for lunch rang.

I walked up to Jake, "So you like Chenle?" I straightforwardly asked him. "Yes and No." He answered still looking flustered. I read his mind only to find him daydreaming about Chenle.

"You literally just met him though," Do humans like each other this fast? "Okay but you can't blame me, he's so cute and his personality is literally everything. It's like love at first sight you know? Remember Anna and Prince Hans? They fell in love at first sight, it was even true love!" Jake ranted excitedly.

As much as I want to tell him that Anna and Hans's so-called 'True love' was fake because Prince Hans just wanted power, I could see that Jake was actually developing a crush for this Chenle kid and I'm not in any position to get in the way of it.

"That's nice Pup but let's go eat now, I'm starving." I pulled Jake along with me before he started jumping up and down again, "Let's invite Chenle and Felix over to sit with us!" he suggested before he ended up dragging me instead.

Time skip - In the cafeteria

Chenle, Felix, Felix's boyfriend, and Chenle's friend agreed to sit with us for lunch. During lunch I found out Chenle's friend, Jisung (NCT) is his Guardian angel although he's younger than Chenle and really clumsy. As for Felix's boyfriend, Bangchan, he's also Felix's Guardian angel and he's really nice, like, REALLY nice.

They're fitting in pretty well and Jake and Chenle are getting closer too. Do I have to help Jake get with Chenle or something? Is this what Guardians have to do?? I hate my job.


ok next chapter lets get the drama on. this chapter was a filler but it's also pretty important for future drama.

anygayyyyyyssssssss NCT 127 GIMME GIMME AAAAAAAAAAAA

I'm literally in love with haechan its not even a joke anymore

also can u guys plz tell me what type of genre n stuff u like. eg. Fluff, angst etc. those kind of stuff bcz whatever u like more imma add more of.

hope u have a great day/night lovelies sksksj <333

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