Chapter 24

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oH em gEE i published my random thought book probably like 5minutes before i published this chapter -past me xoxo


Sunghoon POV

Ever just find someone 100x more attractive after 1 kiss? Well, that's me.

Ever since that kiss I've started to see Jake from a different point of view. He's definitely handsome of course but to me, he's gotten more attractive? Especially at golden hour, I just can't take my eyes off of him with the sunlight highlighting his light brown locks and lighting up his star-filled eyes.

Sigh, I guess I'm either whipped or I'm just developing a small crush that'll go away soon.

Although I can't help but notice his change in actions towards me as well. He's started to become more caring, not that he wasn't caring before but now instead of pushing me off the bed every morning he either snuggles into my embrace or lets me be.

I'm most likely just overthinking everything.

Jake POV

Can't lie, he's a good kisser and he's attractive but I don't like him like that. I'm guessing I just felt like kissing him at that moment, maybe, hmm... Sexual attraction?- No. Definitely not. I know I'm not currently sexually active so let's just go with 'He looked kissable.' Yeah, that sounds right.

Oh also, I've been feeling weird ever since I left the apartment to go on a short walk, no it's not just because of the kiss but I keep feeling like I'm being watched or followed. Shivers run up and down my spine every time that feeling appears but I look around and shrug it off when I see no one's looking or when no one's even around me.

I let out a long sigh as I sat down on the park bench, admiring the scenery displayed around me. The leaf-covered trees swaying in the wind and that flowery scent filling my sense of smell.

"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" A voice interrupted.

I looked up to find a middle-aged man wearing a black suit and a large pearly-white-teethed smile. Wrinkles decorated his forehead and cheeks as he smiled. 

"Nope," I gave back a shaky smile as I shuffled to the other side, offering my hands out as if to tell him he can sit down.

Not minding the man next to me I let myself drown in my thoughts regarding a certain guardian of mine and one main question.

Why did he kiss back?

I was conflicted. 

'We both gasped for air before I silently whispered, "Sorry, let's forget this yeah?" He frowned a little at my request. 

"Sure... I was about to ask that too," He gave a small smile, sitting up on the bed.'

He DID initiate the kiss first though, but he was probably just feeling the same way I felt. A living in the moment kind of scenario.

I let out a silent groan but apparently, the man next to me heard it. "Had a bad day?" He gently asked, "Yeah... I guess you could say that... What about you?" I asked back out of politeness.

"Yep. Just a normal day sitting in an office filled to the brim with paperwork,"

"That must suck," I gave him a small but genuine smile. "I lost my first kiss to my guardian," I scratched my neck shyly. 

"Ah, Guardians..." his bright smile faltered for a slight second, "how did you manage to lose your first kiss to your angel?"

"Oh, a-actually... he's a devil, and uhh I guess it just happened?? Well, I fell on him, and then bam. Kiss." I exaggerated the 'bam' part using by creating imaginary sparkles with my fingers.

Guardian Devil - ✜Jakehoon✜Where stories live. Discover now