Chapter 28

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ever just meet your parents friends and they start talking to you about how good you'd look with their child and all you can do is go 'hahahahahahahaha' bcz u mayhaps hate their child or just think naur? same

here's a weird chapter bc bts didn't win the award and we're all salty asf


Sunghoon POV

I've been visiting Jakey for the past week, hoping to find a way to break him out and get us back to earth without getting caught.

"Does this stupid glass ever break?" I wondered out loud to Jake, leaving firm knocks on the glass. "Try teleporting" Jake suggested, "already did, this stupid block is magic, have you tried breaking from the inside?"

"I tried my special king-kong move on the glass but not even that worked," Jake sighed, "your what?" I was genuinely confused and partially concerned??

He rolled his eyes at me before sassily replying, "my king-kong move? you know? the super punch?" as if that was the most obvious thing in the world and everyone who existed knew it. "Pup, hell is literally the home of boomers. We know nothing here."

"I figured that out, with how dumb you are," he snorted at his own diss, "be glad this glass is in between us or you'd be dead right now." I threatened, "I am dead though-" 

"Sir your 20 minutes is up, please leave now." I mentally cursed at the receptionist but nonetheless bid Jake my farewell and made my way out.

Of course, the moment I stepped out of the building my phone HAD to blow up, probably the friend group being dumb as usual.

1 message and an attachment from LeeHeeseung to Niki's side hoes🤠
Jay, I just made something that'd make you want to edit your recent post and change pics with this one 
View message? Yes No

View attachment? Yes No

Just as I was about to ignore , Jake's name was mentioned which caught my attention.

1 message from Yang💀to Niki's side hoes🤠
J A K E ?!!
View message? Yes No

I immediately clicked on the attachment only to block Heeseung out of disappointment. Don't worry I'll unblock him in a few hours when they've chatted enough so that pic is out of sight.

Want to see what I saw?

Niki's side hoes🤠

Jay, I just made something that'd make you want to edit your recent post and change pics with this one

LeeHeeseung Jay, I just made something that'd make you want to edit your recent post and change pics with this one

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J A K E ?!!

You have blocked user LeeHeeseung you are no longer able to message this user

Why was I lowkey hoping he found a solution to free Jake out of hell. Oh wait they don't even know Jake's dead, I mayhaps forgot to tell everyone but Sunoo that important piece of information.

Not wanting to go home and look at the ceiling for the rest of the day I decided to go for a walk/fly. I half walked, half flew around the area, hoping to find at least some sort of entertainment or help to get Jake out of hell.

I passed a small shop that caught my attention with all of the statues and monuments I could see through the window, especially the shop's motto above the door.

'Growth begins with love'

Looked sketchy to me but sketchy is what I need right now. I hope it's not a love potion shop or something because that'll just be awkward.

"Welcome-" "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screeched, jumping away from the sudden voice that startled me to find a middle-aged woman with grey wings smiling at me.

"Never thought I'd see you here Sunghoon, never thought I'd see you at all really," 

I felt a bit out of place, "Uhm... sorry ma'am but how do you know my name?"

"Of course I'd know your name! I'm Jay's mother and Jake's mother's ex-guardian." Her smile lost its touch at the last sentence but you wouldn't notice because of how fast she was able to pull it back up again.

Wait... "YOU'RE JAKE'S MUM'S GUARDIAN?!!" What a small universe we live in. 

"Yep, as well as a fallen angel because after your father brainwashed me into forcing Jake's parents to kill each other, word spread in heaven and I was banished." I genuinely felt bad for the woman, "sorry that had to happen Ms.Park."

"Oh please call me auntie or something, Ms.Park makes me feel older than I am," she lightly giggled, bringing up the mood.

"Also, I know why you're here and I can help of course but there will be a few sacrifices that you may dislike." I was surprised she knew it all but then again it's hell, a place of magic. For all, I know she could be a fortune teller or something.

"Oh I am but I'm not telling you your future or you might die."


i am so sorry u had to see that jake meme

be cleansed

credit: https://twitter

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