☆ Chapter 3 ☆

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it's dorime time 🥰🥰

☆ Chapter 3: Baseball and Prayers ☆


Laying on your bed in your cell, you threw a ball against the ceiling rather boredly. Your cellmate was currently away, so you were by yourself. You sighed quietly, wondering what was going on with Jolyne. Did she still have Gwess as a cell mate? If so..that really sucked. Maybe you could just check up to see if Gwess was behaving. After your little quarrel, she seemed to kiss up to you even more. 

"Hii Y/N~! Are you feeling well?"

"Wow, Y/N, you look beautiful today!"

"Can I touch your hair~?"

No, Gwess. 

It was a constant bother. You wished you cared enough to tell her to piss off. Eventually, you were let out of your cell, and, after debating between going to the library or the chapel, you decided that you could probably tell the priest of how much you didn't care about this prison. Or getting out, for that matter. You tried to picture your conversation with the priest as you went towards the chapel.

"Hey, dude."

"Please be formal, my child."

"No, I don't care about formalities"

And then you'd get into an intense fight with the priest and become the new priest of Green Dolphin. And your religion..maybe about Mickey, due to your past experience with mouse costumes. People would definitely come and pray in your clubhouse. You were planning this step by step, and as you stepped into the chapel, you soon noticed the priest, who also noticed you. You gave a little wave.

"Hey, dude." You said. Would you predict his next line?

"Please be formal, my ch-"

"HA! I KNEW IT!" You interrupted him. "Oh. Sorry." The priest stared at you, taken aback by your attitude. You ruined your own plan. Now the Green Dolphin Prison Mickey Mouse Clubhouse wouldn't be a thing. Damn it.  "It's..fine, my child. How have you been? Have you began to care about something? Or..someone?"

You let out a sigh. "You can just call me Y/N when we're alone. And that's the problem. I just don't find it in me to care at all. Nothing really matters to me. But-- I have a question. And if you hold all of that answers..you'll be able to answer, Pucci." You hummed lightly.

Pucci observed you. Something about you intrigued him greatly. He hated to admit it..but he believed that he could definitely try and use you in his plan. If he gave you something to care for, maybe you'd come and see him more, and he'd earn your trust.

"What is it, then?" He asked calmly. You stared at him, before speaking. "I..met someone. She just got here, and even though we just met, it seems she cares about me. I don't understand. Why? Why would she care, when I just said hello?" You weren't going to  give the full story. It wasn't like he'd understand.

Pucci, however, felt a bit uneasy. Had you met that Joestar girl? He didn't really care too much about that, since she wasn't much of a threat. But something told him that he had to keep an eye on you.

"Well..I don't have an answer for that. But perhaps you can visit me more often, just so I can figure out an answer." He informed you. It was a lie..but it was for the good of his plan..it was alright to not reveal to truth if he had a better truth lying in wait for you. 

"Oh. Alright then. See you around then, Pucc." You aimed some finger guns at him, before turning and leaving.

Pucci stared after you, before pausing. Did you just give him a nickname..? And..it was a rather immature farewell. But you still intrigued him greatly. Yes..he'd have to keep an eye on you.


You left the chapel, unsatisfied. The man who you thought had the answers didn't have any. You didn't really care to keep visiting his chapel constantly, so you decided that you'd just stop by in a day or two. And then you'd perform your take over. Ha. You were so evil.

You then continued to walk, until you noticed something. A baseball..it was rolling across the floor. "Who the fuck dropped their ball?" You muttered, before seeing something even crazier. A kid came out , and picked up the ball. "Huh..? Hey! Kid. What'd you get arrested for? Throwing baseballs at people's heads?" You asked, as the kid turned his head to look at you.

"..Miss..Y/N.." He whispered. "You're a friend of Jolyne's.." You stared at the kid. "How'd you know I was a friend of hers? I don't care that you know my name..if you're like that bitch Gwess..I don't really care if you're a kid. You'll get the treatment she recieved." 

"N-No, I'm not an enemy. You don't have to worry about that..but, you have to come with me.." He told you, taking your hand gently. "If you're leading me into an ambush, I swear to god." You huffed. "Tell me your name then, baseball boy." You then demanded, glaring down at the kid, who flinched. "Emporio. It's Emporio." He told you, rather nervous. You immediately softened up. "Well, then. Take me away, Emporio. Where are we going?" You asked. "Just..be quiet, okay? I'll explain everything, I promise."

You decided to trust the kid. What did he know about Jolyne, and why was he so cautious? You let him take you around, before suddenly, you ended up in a room. You paused, then lost your shit. "What is this luxury?! Is this your cell or something, kid? No, I don't care. This must be some sort of ability, like Jolyne's and Gwess's." You mumbled. Emporio looked up at you.

"T-This is my stand, Miss Y/N. It's my ghost room." He informed you. "Oh. So stands can be rooms..wait, what if this whole fucking prison is a stand-" You exclaimed. "It's not." Emporio replied. It was then you noticed the two other people in the room. "Did you kidnap other people too? That sucks." You stated, waving to get their attention.

One was a male with a white hat, and a dark blue suit. The other was a gi- male with long pink hair and..a peculiar outfit. The male with pink hair turned his head to look at you, and once he did, his eyes widened with a look of awe on his face as his eyes were glued onto your form. You simply ignored that guy, and walked over to the other guy. "Hey, who ar-" You were cut off as the male stood up, and leaned in, his face merely inches away from yours. "Hey, are we about to- or do you not know what personal space is?" You asked. Not that you cared.

The male began speaking in a whisper, so you had to listen closely. "You can call me Weather Report, Y/N." He then sat back down. Emporio tugged at your sleeve, and you looked down. "What is it, bud?" You asked. "Weather tends to whisper to people, so don't get surprised if he gets really close to you in order to speak to you. The other one is Narciso Anasui." He told you, before he turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" 

At your words, he stopped. "I'm..going to get the others..and warn Jolyne." He stated quietly. "What? Why?" You asked. Why were you asking..? It wasn't like you cared about Jolyne or anything. Emporio shook his head, and quickly exited before he could tell you. "Damn it. I'll throw a baseball at your face and score a home run." You mumbled. You wouldn't actually do that, now that Emporio was an ally.

Now, you were in some sort of ghost room with two peculiar males, one of which didn't know what personal space was. 

How would you entertain yourself this time? You forgot your ball in your jail cell.



Next chapter, probably gonna be more weather man and simp time, and maybe a hint of e r m e s.

Stay safe, and make sure to think of at least one positive thing today 💕

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