☆ Chapter 7 ☆

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Chapter 7: Water is a Necessity 


Foo Fighters really seemed to be protecting the discs with their life. 

And, well, you could understand why. This Whitesnake dude gave a chance to the plankton at a life beyond the waters. If you were just floating around in water you'd get pretty bored. 

You stood an inch behind Jolyne, observing the plankton closely. The thing was..you didn't really think that Foo Fighters wasn't necessarily your ordinary enemy. They seemed to be doing this in order to survive, and to repay Whitesnake. Maybe it would be possible to turn them to Jolyne's side? After all, the more people to help out Jolyne, the better. The real question was--how would you do it? 

Foo Fighters then began to speak once more, eyeing both you and Jolyne, as, almost on instinct, Jolyne nudged you behind her, her eyes narrowing as she faced the plankton. "I was going to hide the disc somewhere else and then ask..but no matter. May I ask you one question?" They asked. Foo Fighters then took a moment to lift up the tire with one hand. You shrugged. "Go ahead, I guess." You commented, putting your hands behind your head. Foo Fighters didn't seem to be waiting for an answer, as they spoke right away. "Are you going to step in that puddle? Or are you going to run? Which way do you want to die?"

"Well, I don't really want to die now, but honestly I'd like to die by gunfire. That way I can look cool and save someone from a bullet. It would be lame if I just died by stepping into a puddle--actually, I want to fall off of a cliff. That would be pretty cool, I guess. Or..getting a hole punched through me. Technically I can say then that I was fiste-" 

Jolyne cut you off before you could finish that. "If we're asking questions, I have one for you. Do you know who it is? Whitesnake? And why are they collecting these discs?" She questioned. Foo Fighters paused. "You..both are very interesting people. Are you two different from other humans? As for..uh..Whitesnake..I'm not sure. I haven't seen their face." They stated, being nice enough to answer the question. Foo Fighters then threw the tire onto the cart behind them, and it was almost quick enough that you didn't have time to react.

Jolyne brought out Stone Free, and, with a loud barrage of 'ORA's, sent a string towards the cart, immediately gaining a reaction from Foo Fighters. "You really thought you could sneak past me?! Think again!" Suddenly, black liquid began to rise up from the floor, forming a fist--Foo Fighter's fist."That puddle was already apart of me!" They then clamped a hand around Jolyne's throat. 

"I could perhaps live comfortably inside your body..or, maybe her body.." Foo Fighters took a moment to look at you. You, however, were staring straight at Jolyne. Did she have a plan? No, what if she didn't, and you just decided to stand there..? You remembered the situation with Gwess.

Jolyne had only recently met you, yet she chose to come back for you when she had the opportunity to get out of there when she had the chance. 

Jolyne put up with your odd attitude..and how were you going to repay her? By simply standing and watching? No..you might not care that you're stuck in a prison for years to come, but you weren't going to stand there. Whether Jolyne had a plan or not..you were going to help.

Foo Fighters looked at Jolyne, watching as the goo crept up the Cujoh's face. "I think I'll go with your body..I'm not sure that I should go with the other human's body. That might be a bad decision..huh?" They felt something wrap tightly around their neck. From the corner of their eye, Foo Fighters could catch a glimpse of what seemed to be a transparent scarf. They could also see that you were also there, and the look in your eyes, from Foo Fighters, was almost downright chilling. 

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