☆ Chapter 4 ☆

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☆ Chapter 4: How's the Weather? ☆


With baseball kid gone, you decided that striking up a conversation with the other two in the room would be ideal. After all, you didn't really know how to entertain yourself. You made your way over to the two. Anasui watched you with a hint of curiosity, as Weather didn't really do much. So, you decided he would be your first target. You got close to him with a sly smile, causing him to look down at you with a confused expression.

"Soo~ Weather Boy. Why'd your parents name you Weather Report? Did they have that special moment while the meteorologist was giving the report for the week?" You asked, causing Weather to look taken aback. "I..don't know." He whispered. You raised an eyebrow, before sighing. "Oh, I see. You probably have like..amnesia or something. That, or you don't like me enough to tell me." You stated, before taking a look around the room.

Just as you were about to speak, you felt something grab you by the wrist, and you were turned to face Anasui, who was seemed to be staring straight into your soul. "You look like you really need to take a shit right now." You blurted out. Anasui ignored your remark , and immediately spoke. 

"I know a lot about you, Y/N. I've been wanting to meet you for a while." He stated. Oh. You stared at him with an unfazed expression. "Well, now you have, Mr. Prince Charming." You replied, before taking a small step back. "Wait! I also wanted to ask..by..any chance, have you met Jolyne?" He asked. You stared at him. How did he know Jolyne? You guessed he was probably head over heels in love with her. For some reason that made you feel slightly pissed.

"Uhh- yea, we're friends, I guess. Why?" You questioned. "Well, I've also wanted to meet her for a while..I just need to see her in person. Because..I really am i-" You just walked away. Anasui looked crestfallen, but you didn't see that. Weather let out a small sigh, as you looked around.

"Does the kid have any bathrooms in here?" You asked. Anasui paused, and looked at Weather, who shrugged. Then, Anasui answered. "I haven't seen one." He stated. You frowned, and looked around. "What am I supposed to do if I have to take a piss? Or shit?" You then asked. Anasui also frowned. "You have a point..hey! Weather, you've been awfully quiet!" He stared at Weather. You slapped the back of the pink haired male's head. "That's because he doesn't like to talk, Charming." You took him.  Anasui nodded quickly. "Okay, okay.." He then looked around. "Do we need to go in cups?" He asked. 

"Ew, no. Someone might drink it. Though, who in their right minds would drink someone else's piss?" You questioned. Anasui frowned. "Someone who isn't in their right minds." He replied. "Hey, you get it!" You grinned at Anasui, who immediately brightened up, happy you complimented him. "You two were hanging out by the piano. Do you think we have to take a shit in there?" You asked. Anasui paused. "Maybe.."

Weather just stood there, as the two of you began to theorize about where to use the bathroom. He let out a sigh. You were one odd indicidual. Who would come here, and immediately start theorizing where to use the bathroom? But..then again, he was odd as well. He would just have to get used to your antics.


Eventually, the conversation about bathrooms slowly came to a halt, and now you, Anasui and Weather were all hanging out near the piano. "Hey, do any of you know how to play the piano?" You asked. Anasui immediately raised his hand, as Weather spoke. "Anasui, put your hand down." He whispered. "I suppose I'm the only one. Perhaps I should serenade you both with a song. The only two songs I can play are Hot Cross Buns, or Careless Whisper." You stated, before hearing a noise. You turned your head, and noticed Emporio with a unfamiliar woman.

"Holy shit, he kidnapped another one." You mumbled, as Emporio began to speak to the other woman. "..Don't mind them. Those two don't talk that much. They're all just here." He explained. "Hey, stranger." You aimed some finger guns at the woman. Emporio then began to explain the ghost room to her, as you leaned against the piano. The woman seemed weirded out by this, as she turned to Emporio, and began demanding answers. Emporio stared up at her, before speaking.

"A stand ability..you have one too, right, Ermes?" He asked. Ermes fell silent, as you paused. "Even more? Jesus, how many stand users are in this prison?" You mumbled, as Emporio continued to speak. "Something terrible has happened..there was an incident. Jolyne's father came to save her from an enemy, but he got killed.." As Emporio continued to speak, your eyes went wide.

'Jolyne's..father? Huh..never knew parents could actually come to bail their kids out of prison. But he paid the price by getting hurt. Whoever he is..I do have to repay Jolyne. Plus, this could be a get out of jail for free pass. Either way..I'm going to help her. I'll show that I at least give a shit about Jolyne.' You thought, closing your eyes.

You wanted to break free. And this seemed to be your opportunity..but were you doing this for your own sake..? Before this, you didn't care. You were content with living the rest of your life in this prison. You didn't seem to notice what had happened to Ermes, as you were too confused with your own motives. No..why did you care? You didn't. But you did.

You shook your head to clear the thoughts, and finally noticed that Ermes's arm was getting electrocuted. "Okay, what the fuck." You stared at them, and came forwards as Ermes left the ghost room. "Hey, Emporio. I'll go with her." You stated with a laid back shrug.

Emporio stared at you, before nodding. "Alright.." He then disappeared, and you stared at Ermes for a moment. "Well, let's go, Miss. I'm in trouble." You hummed, as Ermes rolled her eyes slightly, and began to run. You followed her. "Hey, move it! We both have permission to go through here!" You shouted, going ahead of Ermes and pushing people out of the way. "Thanks. I'd ask your name, but I'm much more worried about stopping that damn janitor!" She told you as you ran besides her. "Well, the name's Y/N. It's a pleasure, Ermes." You replied anyways, as the two of you made your way down the hall.

..Boy, after today, your life would change even more. 

You'd discover things that would soon make the seemingly careless  Y/N care.

..Unless you already started to care.


I'm probably going to do a bit of a jump to after Thunder McQueen is defeated. But, here's your Chapter 4! We get to know Weather and Anasui a bit more, and we meet Ermes.

Next chapter, we will meet the water loving plankton 👁👁 

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