☆ Chapter 20 ☆

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☆ Chapter 20: Heavy Weather ☆


Apparently, he was going to take it VERY far.

It wasn't every day you saw some person randomly just start turning into a snail. Wes had covered your eyes shortly after you saw that, so now you were being blindly guided down the road 

"Y/N, Anasui. After I kill the priest, kill me as well."

With those words, you muttered "What the fuck?", as you heard Anasui let out a shocked gasp.

"The hell?" You heard the pink haired male question. "My only purpose in life now is to kill the priest. After that there's no reason for me to be alive." Wes explained, before stopping, uncovering your eyes so you were facing him, said male leaning in closely.

"Y/N, you should understand me more than anyone else. Will you kill me?" He asked.

Now, you had experienced a hell of a lot of bizarre things, but one of your best friends asking you to kill them was not an exception. You paused, before narrowing your eyes.

"Wes, Weather, whatever your name is..there's no chance I'm going to kill you. I refuse!" You then gave his cheek a little slap. "Don't you forget I'm taking you to Disney World? Ain't Mickey something to live for?" You challenged. "Weather, we're in the same boat here. And I'm not kicking you out of it."

Wes stared at you, pausing. Your words had surprisingly made the male hesitate, actually making him reconsider his choices..

Maybe there was something to live for. And that something wasn't Disney World.

It was you.

And he would not allow anything to happen to you, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

He'd kill the priest, then he could live a happy life with you. After all, the both of you were in the same boat. 

"..Well, we can save staring into each other's eyes for later, Y/N." With those words Anasui let out an offended gasp. Seriously, now Wes was flirting with you? He turned to look at you, to make sure you weren't blushing. This new Weather was ruining his plans for a poly relationship.

To his relief, you stared at Wes for a moment, before giving a thumbs up. "So a staring contest, cool. Just to warn you, once in elementary I made a kid's eyes go completely dry because I never blink." You informed him.

As snails moved around the three of you, you began walking. The priest wasn't far away.

All of you were prepared, there was nothing that could possibly distract you now--

Except for attractive women, apparently.

"Ooh, which one should we talk to??"

"I don't know, they're both hot! You go first"

You pouted, before realizing they might not be talking about Anasui.

Though he was hot.

Wait wha-

Wes would smirk lightly, putting his arms around both women.

"We're taking along! Hopefully you guys aren't murderers!"

Wes looked at Anasui. "We're not, but he is." That comment made the girls laugh, even though it was true.

Now that you thought about is, Anasui was like the only member of the prison gang to actually go to prison for legitimately murdering someone.

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