☆ Ending: Jolyne Cujoh ☆

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Jolyne's Ending


It had been a month since Pucci was defeated. You had since resided in the home of Jolyne's mother. She was quite nice, actually..minus the teasing.

You recalled the first time you met, when Jolyne returned home.

After the mother and daughter had shared a much needed reunion hug, Jolyne's mother had turned towards you.

"Jolyne, who's this?" She had asked.

"This is Y/N, my..close friend. She helped me out a lot." Jolyne responded. You threw up a peace sign.


A devilish smile spread across Jolyne's mom's face, as she raised her eyebrows.

"Ohh? Your 'close friend', Jojo?"

"Mom! Not now!"

"?" You were visibly confused. 

..To Jolyne's relief. She didn't want you finding out her feelings like that.

And, you hadn't figured it out yet. 


The car was silent, only broken by the sound of the radio, playing many random songs, then being interrupted by some dude talking about how slow traffic was.

You were in the passenger seat, and Jolyne was in the driver's. 

"Soo..why did you grab me, and drag me out of your mother's house?"

"We're going to get some Ice cream. Is that okay with you?"

"I dunno. I guess. If I get any side effects later on I don't care."

Jolyne would nod. With the encouragement of her mother, Jolyne finally decided today would be the day she'd admit her feelings for you.

The car skidded to a halt as Jolyne did a rather stellar job at parallel parking.

"If I did that, people would probably die." You commented.

"Nice to know, Y/N." With that, Jolyne got out of the car, walking over to the passenger's side, and opening your door, extending a hand. Suspiciously, you raised an eyebrow.

"When did you suddenly become a gentlewoman, Jojo?"

"Today." Jolyne responded. You unbuckled yourself and took her hand, Jolyne taking you over to get some Ice cream.

"What do you want, Y/N?"

"I want a new car since Weather crashed my old one."

"..I meant ice cream..when did Weather crash your car?"

"I dunno. He just walked up to me one day, got really close to my face and whispered, 'I'm sorry about your car.', and walked away. I didn't know what he meant until Ermes told me my car looked like it fell off of a cliff."

"..So, about the ice cream?"

"I'll have (idk ice cream flavor)"

"Okay." Jolyne got ice cream for both you and her, and after recieving them, the two of you walked to a bench overlooking the ocean.

"The ocean is really beautiful." Jolyne stated. You nodded. "Yea. Kinda gave me trauma though. Thanks Pucc."

Jolyne would hesitate. "Y/N, listen, there's something I need to tell y-"

The sound of a car door shutting, followed by a "Jolyne!" made Jolyne freeze up.

You turned to see some random blonde guy approaching. Who the fuck was this guy? You didn't know, but judging by Jolyne's expression, you assumed he wasn't good news.

"..Romeo." Jolyne stated simply. She hadn't seen him since the day they injured his tongue.

"How's your tongue?"

Romeo paused. "How did you know about that?" Jolyne narrowed her eyes, then sighed. "Heard it through the grapevine."

"..It's..healing up. I finally began to speak again a month ago."

You glared at him, as Romeo practically ignored you. "Anyways, I saw you, and I wanted to say hi, y'know..and maybe, now that you have the time, we can talk things out."

Jolyne was annoyed. She was trying to confess to you, and her now ex-boyfriend had to come and ruin things?

However, things were about to get wild. Suddenly, Jolyne felt a hand go over her shoulder. You had made your presence known to Romeo, and now, you were about to go crazy.

"Jojo, isn't that the creep you were telling me about? Oh, my, I didn't know you were serious.."

Romeo paused. A creep..? He narrowed his eyes. "Hey, who exactly are you?" He questioned.

You then gave him the most shit-eating grin, and said,

"Oh, hey. I'm Y/N L/N, I'm Jolyne's girlfriend, and if you don't leave her alone I will shove you into that sewer drain over there."

Both Jolyne and Romeo were shocked. Jolyne felt her heart race. She liked you calling her your girlfriend. But, apart of her felt as though this was just a lie to get Romeo to piss off.

Romeo saw you were dead serious, and immediately booked it to his car.

"Who was that dude?" You asked.

"..Oh, uh..Romeo, my ex boyfriend. You didn't have to call him a creep, y'know."

"Yeaaaa, but it was funny."

Jolyne was silent for a moment as you listened to the waves.

"Y/N..uh, about the girlfriend thing.."

"Huh? What about it?"

"I was wondering if that was just a lie."

You looked at her. Jolyne looked back at you.

"..I thought we were dating already." You commented.


"Huh?!" Jolyne stared at you, as you grinned.

"I just thought we both subconsciously agreed we were dating. we've been so close, so I just kinda thought that was the deal."

Jolyne paused, before laughing. "Oh my gosh!"

Her laughter soon faded, before looking at you.

"Y/N..I really have fallen in love with you. You've been by my side at the beginning, and to the end..and I..I know I can trust you. I want to spend the rest of our lives together."

You stared at Jolyne, before pulling her into a kiss. The sunset dusted the two of you as a butterfly flew above your heads.

You were so god damn lucky to have a girl like Jolyne.

And you would stick by her side until the bitter end.


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