☆ Bad Ending ☆

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☆ Bad Ending ☆


Where was he..? Where would he come from?

It was unpredictable..

The group was standing in a tight circle. You bit down on your lip. 

'Screw him..screw that priest..if I had just killed him when I had the chance.'

If only you had known--the priest you used to visit and make small talk with, the one you brought gossip around, was the mastermind behind it all.

Jolyne wouldn't have been in prison as long as she was. Jotaro wouldn't have had to lose his discs. 

But..then again..

You wouldn't have met F.F.. Weather may not have regained his memories..

Perhaps thanks to the priest, you made the friends you did. You met Jolyne..

You paused, before wiping away the tiny amount of blood you had drawn when biting on your lip. A smirk formed on your face. You weren't going to give up now..! Even in this situation, you and your friends could find a situation out of this!

Angle..watch every angle..wait for Pucci to come back to finish the group off.

Then, Jotaro would be allowed to make his move.

You subconsciously took someone's hand, most likely either Jolyne or Anasui since they were the one's closest to you, and in response they gave your hand a squeeze.

Then, hell broke lose as Made in Heaven reigned down upon you.

"NOW!" Anasui shouted.

Yet in the next second, Jotaro fell into the water, turning the water red as Anasui and Ermes too fell, their lives being taken rather quickly. You were frozen in shock.

How..how did they die so quickly?


You were too stunned to move, or speak.

"Jolyne..what are we going to do?!" Emporio exclaimed. Jolyne looked at you, then Emporio.

You felt like something was telling you to move, to keep Pucci distracted..but you couldn't. You just felt the hope you had slowly drain from you.

"..Pucci can sense where us Joestars are.." Jolyne spoke. "So..you two need to get out of here, quick!" She began to move, as you stood, frozen. 

"Jolyne..no! He's just going to kill you." You finally spoke. Jolyne turned, looking at you in the eye.

"..Y/N, get the kid..and get out of here. Please." Her tone was dead serious. There was no witty banter between the both of you this time.

Without waiting for an answer, suddenly you and Emporio were tried to a dolphin. The dolphin began to swim away.

"JOLYNEEEEE!" Emporio screamed.

You heard Jolyne shout at Pucci, before it became deathly quiet. 

Tears threatened to flow from your eyes. No..no! You failed again..you failed again!

Emporio let out a scream of anguish.

Jolyne Cujoh was dead.


"Y/N..please, please don't!"

"Emporio..listen to me, kid." Your voice was shaky. Emporio hadn't seen this side of you before.

"You need enough time. You need to inherit that determination and confidence I know is in you. Jolyne is depending on us. Everyone is..even if I don't make it, I have courage that you will." You said.

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