☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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☆ Chapter 9: Break Free ☆


When Freya had recieved her stand, she was confused, and she had asked the priest what good would a tree stand do against Y/N L/N.

"I know you're wise and all..but..Y/N would uh..be able to kill me. Why did you give me a stand that's literally a tree?"

Pucci looked down at the small sapling that had behind to grow, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, before looking back up at the tired female. "I gave you this stand because you don't have to do much work to take out Y/N. This stand..I learned that it was called Mango Tree."

"And..what does it do?"

Pucci turned around, letting out a sigh. "It's quite difficult to explain. Mango Tree puts people in a comatose state for as long as the user desires. The tree will grow depending on how many people have been affected by it. Apparently, the original user was able to affect their whole town with it. The tree could've been considered one of the tallest trees in the world, but unfortunately, that never happened."

Freya raised an eyebrow. "Interesting..is there anything that happens in that comatose state..?"

That was something Pucci didn't have a clue about.

But, there shouldn't be that much trouble, as long as the stand worked.


When Weather had fallen into the comatose state, he awoke to a rather blurry world, filled with pain and guilt. However, he couldn't make out anything, or hear anything. Only blurs  that moved across his vision.

'Don't let the stand affect you..break out of its control..snap the hell out of it, Weather!'

That voice was familiar..

Suddenly feeling a slap across his face, Weather sat up, catching his breath. Why was his heart racing..? It was almost with fear, yet he didn't have that much of a clue why. Before him, Anasui let out a sigh. "Good, at least you were able to snap out of it."

Weather frowned. "What exactly is this place, anyways..?" He looked around, then upwards at the golden sky. Anasui shrugged. "It's some sort of dream world that that lady put us in. I was experiencing some weird shit, but then I just remembered my beloved Jolyne and I snapped out of it."

"What were you experiencing..?"

"Some sort of memory. There's other people reliving their memories too."

Weather nodded, before suddenly, he jumped up, surprising Anasui with his sudden movement.

"Y/N. Where is she?" He asked.

"..I tried to get her to snap out of it..but it didn't work." Anasui averted his gaze.

Weather narrowed his eyes, before turning, and walking away.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

If Weather answered, Anasui didn't hear anything.



You looked at your mother, seeing a distraught expression on face, then, your gaze returned to the body on the floor, one that belonged to your uncle.

"Damn..you really must've been having some fun with my uncle. So much so that he's..kinda dead on the floor right now." You stated. It was like Deja Vu. You experienced this before. 

Your mother looked at the dead guy on the floor. "No, Y/N, darling..it's not like that..your uncle, he..I didn't mean to kill him!" She cried out. "The police won't believe that." You told her. 

☆ I Want To Break Free ☆ Stone OceanWhere stories live. Discover now