☆ Chapter 10 ☆

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☆ Chapter 10: Water Heist ☆


When you had told Jolyne that you had been attacked by one of Whitesnake's followers, she had a rather..angered reaction. "Why the hell is Whitesnake going after you now? You didn't have a clue about the Joestar bloodline until this year."

You shrugged when she had said that. "I dunno. I'm a friend of yours, Jolyne. A friend of you must be an enemy of Whitesnake's. That or he really just wants my ass beat. Maybe I'm as much of a threat as you 'jo' people." You wore a laid back grin, to which Jolyne had sighed.

Jolyne wished that you didn't have to be apart of this. She wanted you to get out of the prison, and live a life without worrying about anything. You had shown at this point that helping her was basically the only thing you cared about, and now that Whitesnake was targeting you, there was no chance of getting you out of this bizarre adventure.

Why did she care about you so much? Jolyne couldn't help but wonder like a small child who'd ask too many questions. Did you care about her as much as she cared about you? What if you did? Did Jolyne like you more than a friend?

..You had basically been by her side since the beginning of it all. When you could've chosen to leave, you didn't.

Jolyne appreciated you greatly. And she wouldn't allow Whitesnake to do anything to you. She wouldn't make the same mistake again.


"Y/N, I need water."

"..We're kinda stuck in a cell, F.F."

F.F groaned slightly. "I might die in here, Y/N.." You sat up. You knew that Foo wasn't being dramatic. She needed much more water than an ordinary human being, since, well, she wasn't exactly human. Only controlling a body.

You hopped off of your bed, walking over to the bars that kept you contained inside of the small cell. "..Watch and learn, F.F. I'm about to get us some free time." You saw a guard slowly walking over, patrolling your part of the prison to make sure nothing was going on. You then let out a 'psst', immediately attracting the guard's attention. He then walked over to you. "What?" He asked bluntly.

You then leaned against the bars, trailing a finger up and down. "Mr. Guard..I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic. I need you to be my knight in shining armor and let me out of here for a few minutes. Actually, make it the two of us." You complained slyly. The guard was unfazed. "That won't work on me, L/N." You frowned.

"You leave me no choice but to invade your personal space bubble." 


Before he could continue, Suspicious Minds came out, quickly going inside of the guard as it began moving his arms around. "Let us out of the cell. Then, don't say a word about this." You commanded with a small smirk. 

The guard nodded, a blank expression on his face as he quickly opened up the cell, and, immediately, you grabbed  F.F by the hand and began to walk away from the guard, the guard standing there for a moment, before slumping over and falling asleep, your stand coming out and flipping the guard off, as if to say 'see you around, asshole.'

Foo Fighters looked at you, watching as you practically led her by the hand around the prison. "Hey, um-- I think you can let go now, Y/N..?" She asked. She could just follow you. Unless this was something that was common for you. You paused. "..Are you uncomfortable with premarital handholding or something?" You asked. Foo Fighters paused, a look of confusion on their face. 


"Wait. Oh, shit, sorry. Forgot you were kinda a plankton." You stated with a blank face. "Yea. What the hell is 'premarital'?" Foo Fighters asked.

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