☆ Chapter 19 ☆

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☆ Chapter 19: A Storm is Brewing ☆


At some point, Weather had decided to take your hand as he led you and Anasui away towards where he could sense the priest, the both of you silently walking. Anasui was behind the two of you, a frown on his face.

After seeing how you had acted when Vincenzo threw the disc into your head, he could understand why you wanted to kick Pucci's ass. He had practically ruined your life, after all. Anasui thought for a moment.

Yes, you were a competitor for Jolyne's affections, but you weren't that bad..and he had mentioned a few times-- you'd be the jealous third party while he and Jolyne would go on many dates. 

Seeing how determined you appeared to be, after not really giving a shit for so long, Anasui wanted to make sure that both you and Jolyne were able to settle your beef with the priest.

And maybe a threesome wouldn't be that ba-

"Weather, where's the priest?" You asked him, glancing at him for a moment. 

"..He's close by. Soon, Y/N." He then leaned in close to you. "We'll find my memories. And when we do, we can finally be happy." He stated.

"Sure. I'll pay to go to Disney World. I don't have any money, but I'll hack into someone's bank account." You said nonchalantly. "I can pay for you, Y/N." Anasui stated, only to be ignored.

"I have a feeling you would do such a thing, Y/N. But wouldn't you be sent back to prison?" Weather asked.

You shrugged. "I don't really care. I've got a damn good reputation in Green Dolphin, so I'd be down to go back to my home tur-" 


You stopped, as Weather would grab your shoulders, Anasui sucking in a breath as a menacing look was on his face.

"Is that really what you think? Do you really not care?" Weather asked.

"Weather, you've known me for long enoug-"

Weather merely got closer to you. 

"I'm asking the real Y/N. I know you care, you're just afraid to admit it." He would state in a quiet tone.

You were silent for a moment, before you continued to walk. "Weather, we've got a priest to track down. We can't let Jolyne kick his ass without us."

Both Weather and Anasui had seen it--a flicker of doubt in your eyes. Weather had been observing your behavior. He knew- you really did care about him, and the others. You just..didn't want to show it. He knew who you really were.

He knew, that you wanted to break free.

Weather wanted to help you break free, both from prison, and the fear you must feel. He wanted to find his memories, and, once he did..

He'd take you away from this place, to somewhere where you could he free.

Weather continued to simply follow you, Anasui following close behind.

All the while, getting closer to the priest.


Weather's words echoed in your head. 

How did he know you so well? How had he guessed?

You weren't used to it..having someone know so much about you. Well, you supposed that Pucci had known about you, thanks to Whitesnake. But Weather didn't have Whitesnake. He just..knew.

He was smart. 

You cared a hell of a lot.

Jolyne, Ermes, Anasui..

You cared for Baseball Kid

And F.F...

And you also cared for Weather.

You felt a hand grab your own, and looked up to see Anasui staring at you. "Mind asking first?" You asked, yet you didn't pull your hand away. "Well, you didn't mind when Weather did that." He stated. You then smirked.

"Trying to make me the jealous third wheel for you and Jolyne, eh?"


"I'm afraid you're the third wheel, Anasui. I've already decided that I'm getting married to Jolyne in December." 


Weather broke into the conversation. "That's a shame, Y/N." He said.


Anasui was just confused. 

"Oh, and I'm getting married to Ermes in May."


"You're not cool enough to be my husband, Anasui. Yet."

Anasui pouted as you walked away from him.

That conversation was enough to keep the three of you distracted a bit from the priest, but now, it was time to find the priest.

You wanted much more than revenge. Pucci had killed F.F, and you wanted to avenge your deceased friend.

Weather wanted to find out what the priest was hiding from him, what he used to be.

Anasui wanted to get rid of the priest for both Jolyne, and now you. Maybe even Ermes, Westher and Emporio too. 

And it seemed, one of the three individuals would find out.

History repeated itself, as time seemed to slow, hearing Weather grunt, you turned your head, seeing a disc enter Weather Report's head. 

"Weather?!" Anasui exclaimed. "Weather? The memory disc..someone found and threw his memory dis-" You were cut off, as Weather would suddenly grab you by the arm, staring at you as rainbows would soon appear in the sky.

"Weather..? So that's what I decided to call myself. What an odd nickname."

Both you and Anasui paused, as Weather would stand up, letting go of your arm.

"You..Y/N. You and I, we can kill Pucci, but I'm getting the final blow. I deserve to do so."

"Weather..is Pucci your--"

Weather would pause, before lightly smirking.

"..Y/N, call me Wes."

You paused.

Weather, no, Wes..

Was definitely a whole different person than what you had known. 

It was like when you had recovered your memories..only you hadn't changed too much.


How far would he go to kill the priest?


Shorter chapter today, but alas, after a long wait here is Chapter 19! Officially, we are now entering the final few parts of this story, now that we have arrived at Heavy Weather.

There are around 6 chapters of the canon storyline left before I start writing the endings for the story :)

The Stone Ocean trailer is pretty hot ngl 

anyways, see you in Chapter 20! 

☆ I Want To Break Free ☆ Stone OceanWhere stories live. Discover now