☆ Chapter 6 ☆

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☆ Chapter 6:  Danger Water ☆


You stared at the corpse of your cellmate, wordlessly as the other prisoners freaked out around you, seemingly not taking notice that you were frozen, your expression unreadable. Ermes soon took noticed. "H-Hey..L/N! Snap out of it! Jolyne..!" She got the attention of the Kujo, who soon noticed. Jolyne frowned deeply. You had told her of your cellmate before. Your words made it seem like you didn't care too much for her..but, seeing your face now..it really made Jolyne wonder..what was behind that mask you wore. As the two tried to get you to snap out of it, you were lost in your own thoughts.



"Hey. What's your name? I heard you were my new cellmate."

"..Oh..um. It's Atroe."

You studied the green haired female, and soon, you wore a dry grin. "The name's Y/N. What did you get arrested for?"

"..Well, you see.."

She then proceeded to tell you about her..reasonings. Your dry grin faltered slightly, but you didn't notice. "..That's..a very strange obsession. Mind telling me more about yourself?"

Atroe nodded a bit meekly. As you two began to talk, or, rather, you just saying 'uh huh', 'mhm' and 'cool', you sighed. "Alright, that's enough for now. I'm too tired to converse anymore. But I guess we just have to..deal with each other, I guess."

"Hey..Y/N? How did you get in here? You don't seem like the kind of person to wind up in jail." 

Glancing at your new cellmate, you sighed. "I probably shouldn't be here..but it doesn't really matter, anyways. It's past me now, so I don't really find the need to care.."






Was that what you were feeling? It was like an odd pull at your heart, that felt painful yet warm. It felt..almost nostalgic. And..it was all because of--


You were jolted out of your daze as Ermes began to shake you violently back and forth. "Eug- u- ehh- Ermes, I'm alive. Calm your ass." You stated in the usual tone. Ermes studied you, almost doubtfully. "Alright..I was getting worried you were next to die." She stated, before turning away. You moved to follow, and Jolyne, though she was still watching you, followed. 

Now..what mattered more than 'caring' was finding whoever this stand user might be. It could be anyone..well, except for you, Jolyne and Ermes. You already knew that they wouldn't be doing this. Not that it would matter if they turned out to be attempting to kill you. You suddenly felt something was off, and turned your head slightly, your eyes landing on a water bucket.

For some odd reason..as you stared at the bucket, your heart began to quicken slightly. You then rushed forwards, and kicked the bucket away, earning the attention of Jolyne and Ermes. Jolyne walked over to you, Ermes doing the same. "Y/N! What's wrong?" Jolyne questioned. "Yea..it doesn't seem like you to just kick a water bucket." Ermes noted. You huffed. "..You never know, Ermes. And something's wrong..with the water. I think we should stay away from it." You stated.

Ermes frowned. "Y/N..you're right. We need to get back! There has to be something in the water!" She yelled. You gave a small nod, and turned away, walking away from the two. You decided that what you'd do was try and interrogate the rest of the prisoners. You walked over to the three prisoners, who were eyeing you a bit warily. Putting your hands up, you wore a sly smile.

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