☆ Chapter 1 ☆

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☆ Chapter One: Y/N L/N meets Jolyne Cujoh ☆


"So, heard you were getting a new cellmate soon, Gwess. Hit me up if she's hot, because in all honesty, I haven't had someone to flirt with since my last cellmate that was bailed out quite recently. Lucky lady. She gets to see her dog again."

"Oh, L/N, you're just so uncaring about this. That's what's so adorable about you! ♡"

You recalled the conversation with your 'friend', though you wouldn't really consider Gwess to be a true friend. Nobody was, because nobody could really understand the bullshit you had to deal with, that placed you in this prison. Gwess was your cellmate for a bit, before you were suddenly moved to a cell with some dog lover named Maggie that you'd often flirt back and forth with. You never really felt true feelings towards her, since you didn't really care to recognize the difference between flirting for fun, and flirting because of true attraction. Now, you had some prisoner named Atroe who was rather quiet.

But you decided to leave her alone because you didn't care to know the reason. Because in this prison, you had a reputation that you didn't care about anyone. And you just had to keep that up.

Currently, you were throwing a rubber ball against the wall, bored out of your mind, as Atroe stared at the wall, resting a hand on her cheek. It was pretty early on the morning, so it was still almost dark. This went on for hours, until you hopped off of the top bunk, walking to the cafeteria, Atroe following quickly behind. Grabbing a tray, you walked over to the lady serving out the food. "Working hard as always, I assume. Trust me when I say you're doing a good job. It beats my mother's cooking." Of course, you got a bit extra for that compliment, like you always did. It made the lady feel better, but you didn't care.

Your mother's cooking was complete trash, so prison food felt heavenly. As that one priest at the prison would probably say in your head, God bless Green Dolphin. Hurrah.

As you began to eat a banana, you couldn't help but notice a woman coming in late, just as the lady put up a 'SOLD OUT' sign. 'Hm. Must be new here. Can't let the mouse starve to death in a place filled with predators. Slowly, you picked up your tray, leaving your table, and walking over. "You must be new here to arrive so late." She turned to face you, her eyes narrowing. "I just had trouble putting my pants on! That's no big of a deal, right?" 

Rolling your eyes slightly, you sighed. "It is, when literally everyone rushes down as soon as breakfast as ready. But since you are a newcomer, you can share with me. Go meet me at the table at the back if your interested, kay? Kay." Without waiting for an answer, you turned and walked back to your table, feeling a set of eyes watching you go.

You didn't really care to see what the new woman was doing, but when she sat down in front of you, your eyes went up to meet hers. "So, you really showed up. Glad you took my offer." She nodded, gazing at you, as if deciding whether or not this was a fake person aiming to get her money. "So, what is your name, newbie? My name is Y/N L/N. I've been here a year, so only nine more to go." You hummed, handing the woman your milk carton, as she took it, and began sipping on it, before setting it down, looking you straight in the eye, and stating her name.

"The name is Jolyne Cujoh."

You nodded, humming in acknowledgement. "Well, I'm glad to know your name, Jolyne." Suddenly, Jolyne got up, making you stand up as well. "You suddenly in a rush? Where are you going?" You asked, picking up the tray. "I'm sorry, Y/N, but this doesn't involve you. I don't know if I'd creep you out or not." She apologized quickly, as you handed your tray to another prisoner, who got the message and went to throw it out. "Tch. Nonsense. I don't have anything to do. I'm bored out of my mind! Someone needs to start a riot or something." You waved your hands in the air, as Jolyne looked rather surprised at your attitude. 


The two of you began to walk, as you hummed quietly, Jolyne occasionally telling you to shut up in a low voice, or else someone may see what they're doing. Eventually, you fell quiet when you saw string come out of Jolyne's finger. Without thinking, you blurted,

"Holy shit it's Spidergirl."

As much as Jolyne wanted to laugh, she also knew that might be a bad idea. You watched as suddenly, a bird came hurtling through the air, string wrapped around it. "Isn't that Gwess's bird or something? Why are you trying to kill it?" You asked nonchalantly.  "I'm not trying to kill it, Y/N. It's just..something is up with this bird? I'm Gwess's cellmate, and I'm certain that this bird isn't an actual bird."

"But it literally looks like a bird. What, did Gwess summon a bird demon from Hell? Because I never knew we could perform rituals at the prison. Sign me up." You remarked, as Jolyne stared at the bird. "Last night, I could've sworn I saw a hand come out of it's neck." You listened, doubting her works with a slight eyeroll. "Just what are you?! Come out, or I'll find out myself!" Jolyne continued, as the two of you waited for a reaction. You were beginning to think Jolyne was a bit crazy in the head, and was prepared to make a run for it.

That is until arms and legs came falling out of the birds neck.

You stared at it for a moment, before whispering, "Either something really bizarre is about to go down, or fairies exist." Jolyne huffed. "Yea, I'm sure it's the first one." She replied, her eyes wide as beads of sweat formed on her face. You breathed out. "Okay, but Tinkerbell exists if fairie-" you were cut off as Jolyne pulled you behind a wall, covering your mouth with a hand. Peeking around the corner, you caught a glimpse of Gwess walking away, before looking at Jolyne with a confused expression as your hand touched blood. Jolyne suddenly turned, seeing the bird now the same size as you two were. "Alright, I think someone slipped drugs into my breakfast. Maybe you don't exist Jolyne, and I'm just hallucinating." You stated, before Jolyne shook her head, looking confused. "No, this is real, Y/N. But..Did we..Did we just.."

As you looked around, you noticed that the prison seemed way bigger than before. It was if you and Jolyne shrunk.



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